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Now showing items 1-20 of 3918
The 1896-97 Southern Rhodesia war reconsidered
(2018-11-01) -
The 1908 Asiatics ordinance in perspective
(2017-05) -
The 1980 to 2000 Context for Zimbabwean Companies
(MaCotra, 2010)A longitudinal multiple-case design was used to capture the experiences (in transformation) of four Zimbabwean companies spanning from 1980 when Zimbabwe attained its independence to 2000. The within case analysis prompted ... -
1risk factors for community acquired urinary tract infections by extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria, Harare 2019.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-09)Drug resistance is a major public health concern responsible for morbidity and mortality globally. In Harare 3rd generation cephalosporin resistant E. coli in urines increased from 28% to 38% from 2012-2017. These organisms ... -
4-Aminoquinoline Prophylaxis of Malaria amongst Semi-Immune African School Children
(Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University College of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe), 1957-12)Drugs used for the prophylaxis of malaria are generally recommended in doses sufficient to suppress the disease in persons without immunity, these amounts being considerably in excess of those required for the protection ... -
The 4IR UZ-DRUP Urban Observatory: Tactical Urban Resilience through Applied Game Theory
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019)This paper explores the possibility of how urban resilience can be enhanced through the use of applied game theory. The aim is to introduce the concept of a Local Urban Observatory as a tool that will facilitate higher ... -
A case of dual chloroquine and halofantrine treatment failure in Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Medicine. Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ)., 1995-10)A case of malaria treatment failure with chloroquine and halofantrine is reported. The likely determinants and policy considerations are addressed. -
A community survey of traditional medical practitioners in high density suburbs of Harare
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe, 1995-09)Traditional medical practitioners (TMP) are an important part of the health system in Zimbabwe. The objective of this study was to determine, in the study area, their numbers, socio-demographic characteristics and clinical ... -
A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Towards and Perceptions of the Teaching Profession
(Human Resource Research Centre, (HRRC), University of Zimbabwe., 1990-07)Limitations notwithstanding, the main purpose of this article is to raise major issues related to people’s perception of and attitude towards teaching as a profession in developed and developing countries. These issues ... -
A Comparative Analysis Of Bruner’s And Ausubel’s Views On The Learning Process And Their Implications For Zimbabwe
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 1998-03)Bruner’s work focuses on learning through discovery. His position is that students learn best when they themselves discover the structure of a subject by inductive meftns. Ausubel believes that learning should be primarily ... -
A Comparative Analysis Of Student Achievement By School Type In Zimbabwe Secondary Schools
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1991-03)The purpose of this study was to determine statistical differences in levels of student performance in ZJC English and Mathematics between six secondary school types in Zimbabwe. 5293 Form 2 students who wrote ZJC examinations ... -
A Comparative Study of Comrade's courts under Socialist Legal Systems and Zimbabwe's Village Courts
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1985) -
A Comparison In Performance Between Mature Entry Students And Traditional (A-Level) Entry Students At The University Of Zimbabwe
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 2003-03)The degree results of Business Studies and Law students who had entered the University of Zimbabwe through ‘mature entry' between 1990 and 1999 were compared with those of students who had entered university through the ... -
A Comparison Of Governance Of Some Community Based Woodland And Wetland Projects With Grazing Schemes In Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe
(Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe., 2001-02) -
A Comparison of Teachers’ and Students’ Rankings of Practical Work Objectives in ’A’ Level Chemistry.
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2001-07)The purpose of this investigation was to compare teachers ’ and students ’ rankings (in order of importance) of A Level Chemistry practical work objectives and also determine whether the perceptions were related to some ... -
A comparison of three types of “M” traps for sampling tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) populations at South Luangwa Game Management Area, Zambia.
(Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-08)A field trial was conducted between 27th July and 1st August, 1992 in Mfuwe, south Luangwa, Zambia to assess the effectiveness of locally developed “M” traps for suppressing and sampling the tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes ... -
A comparison of topical Phenytoin with Silverex in the treatment of superficial dermal burn wounds
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe, 2002-09)Burn injuries constitute a major health problem causing considerable morbidity and mortality in Tanzania and around the world. It is a common surgical problem and leading cause of death (20% mortality) in our paediatric ... -
A Contribution to the Understanding of Right
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1995)The foremost issue that confronts contemporary legal jurisprudence is that of rights and yet paradoxically, modern legal discourse has failed to grasp the normative essence of right. This essay is concerned with one ... -
A cost-effective particle agglutination assay to detect viral antibodies in dried blood spots: a simple solution to HIV and HCV screening
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe, 2003-11)During the 1980s epidemiological data available on HIV indicated a low HIV seroprevalence in South Africa compared to the rest of Africa. In support of this, a study indicated a negative HIV incidence among adult Venda men ... -
A Critical Incident Reporting System In Anaesthesia
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe, 2001-09)The critical incident system is now well established as a concept and activity of a quality programme in anaesthesia. Most publications are from well resourced countries with little contribution from developing countries. ...