Browsing by Title
Now showing items 3790-3809 of 3915
Vaginal hysterectomy. A five year prospective descriptive study
(Faculty of Medicine. Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ)., 2004-07)Objective: To review patients who had vaginal hysterectomy and observe any complications related to the procedure. Design: A prospective descriptive study. Setting: Sunshine Hospital, Actonville , Benoni, Gauteng Province, ... -
Validation of Satellite-based Rainfall Estimation over the Limpopo Basin
(2012-09-12)The main objective of this study was to validate satellite-based rainfall estimation algorithms over the Limpopo Basin. The satellite rainfall estimation was done using four algorithms which combine infrared and passive ... -
Valuation of Grazing Resources in Zimbabwe's communal areas
(Department Of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 1999-09)the other three communal areas; Mhondoro-Ngezi, Chiduku and Buhera. Households in natural region II have the highest mean MWTP for grazing compared to those households n natural regions III and IV. Households under the ... -
Value added taxation
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1967-12)We now face the possibility of a radical alteration—I hesitate to use so emotive a term as “reform”—in our country’s tax system. We face the possible introduction of an entirely new tax, and one which may, I think, be ... -
A value chain analysis of flue cured virginia leaf tobacco in Zimbabwe
(2016)Tobacco is undoubtedly the major agricultural export crop for Zimbabwe raking in close to a billion United States dollars in 2012. Flue Cured Virginia tobacco remains one of the few economically viable options for Zimbabwe ... -
Variation in bioavailable zinc and iron in Zimbabwe and their effects on crop productivity and quality.
(2020-11-01)Dietary micronutrient deficiencies remain prevalent in southern Africa, especially among rural households consuming staple plant-based diets. Despite evidence of improved micronutrient concentration in staple grains ... -
Variation in tick community across different control systems, habitats, seasons and environmental factors in a mixed cattle/wildlife ranch: Imire game reserve, Zimbabwe.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2015-11)An assessment of spatial and temporal variation in tick community diversity, abundance, sex ratio and age structure across habitats, seasons and tick sweeper types at Imire Ranch was carried out from March to September ... -
Variations in groundwater quality in protected and unprotected water sources of Murehwa district
(2014-10-07)Target 7C of the Millennium Development Goals is aimed at halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015 (UNDP, 2002). Therefore, implementation of water ... -
Vegetation in Zimbabwe.
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ)., 1987) -
Vegetation Soil Relationships as Aids to Soil Survey in Semi-Arid Areas.
(2012-08-29)The hypothesis that vegetation and woody species indicate soil type and land potential is very common in Zimbabwe and other similar countries. Research in vegetation – soil relationships to test this hypothesis in Zimbabwe ... -
Vegetation Studies of Selected Islands and Adjacent Mainland on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe.
(Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) (UZ), 1999)The objective of this study was to classify and describe the vegetation of selected islands on Lake Kariba. A total of forty-six islands were surveyed. Two hundred and eleven samples were classified into twenty-six vegetation ... -
Velvet Bean and Cowpea Residual Effects on Maize Crop in Smallholder Farming Areas of Zimbabwe
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2017-10-31)On-farm research was conducted in Dendenyore Communal Land and Zana Resettlement areas of Hwedza District, Zimbabwe from 1999 to 2001.The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of velvet bean and cowpea on ... -
Venereal Syphilis and Other Venereal Infections in Non-Venereal Treponematoses Areas in Africa
(Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University College of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe), 1958-10)The management of gonorrhoea, non-gonococcal urethritis, lymphogranuloma venereum and granuloma inguinale, apart from case-finding in the female, offers no fundamental difficulties in Africa as compared with other areas. ... -
Vertical branch planning and horizontal territorial planning: a review of the approach, problems and the distribution of the productive forces
(ZIDS, 1990)This paper is addressed to the question of an appropriate planning technology in Zimbabwe. Note is taken of some of the physical and social manifestations of "Capitalist Planning" in methods borrowed from Eurocentric ... -
Vertical branch planning and horizontal territorial planning: A review of the approach, problems and the distribution of the productive forces
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1989)This paper is addressed to the question of an appropriate planning technology in Zimbabwe. Note is taken of some of the physical and social manifestations of "Capitalist Planning" in methods borrowed from Eurocentric ... -
Victimhood in Mungoshi's Shona Novels: A Critical Study.
(University of Zimbabwe Publications, 2005)The paper is a deliberate problematisation of the study of Mungoshi’s Shona literature with a view to initiate new critical perspectives absent in current Shona critical scholarship. We problematise the study of the ... -
Victoria Falls: The Growth Of A Rhodesian Village
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ) (formerly Geographical Association of Rhodesia (GAR).), 1977-12) -
Violence against wives : a crime 'sui generis'
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1986)Although most people "like to think of the family as the abode of love; a safe retreat where any member of the family is sure of support and protection; of grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and children as a closely ... -
Viral load comparison between SARS-CoV-2 symptomatic and asymptomatic patients during the course of COVID-19 infection
(2021-07)Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a novel respiratory virus is the etiological factor of COVID-19 disease which started in the Wuhan Province, China in December of 2019. Symptoms include a dry ...