Vertical branch planning and horizontal territorial planning: a review of the approach, problems and the distribution of the productive forces
This paper is addressed to the question of an appropriate planning technology in
Zimbabwe. Note is taken of some of the physical and social manifestations of "Capitalist
Planning" in methods borrowed from Eurocentric Social Democracy which still bear the
heavy stamp of Keynesianism and welfare state doctrines. History has revealed the latter
doctrines to have been social instruments of oppression devised during the Great
Depression of 1929 - 1939, to contain social revolution in North America.
Lacking the basic historical base of real experiences that is the social field of inquiry,
the paper argues, the missing element in National Planning strategies has been the scant
attention paid to the accumulation of social technology. Despite very glib references to
the mode of production, Marxists in Zimbabwe have not as yet been able to come up
with a National Planning System that goes beyond the imperatives of World Bank and
IMF-funded research proposals into the social relations of production. Research
proposals emanating from these very eminent world resourceful persons sitting in
Washington DC are mere instruments for the containment of the African revolution,
whose tornado is currently sweeping over the sub-continent. It is therefore unlikely in
the long run that the grey eminence of International Capital can actually sponsor
research that is for the common good of the struggling masses of Azania. The paper
also seeks to warn against the adoption of imported intellectual fashions. Import
substitution projects should surely stop at the material base of society, because clearly
in Africa, the limits for the indigenization of the social logic for capital accumulation
have been reached. Planners in the political, economic and social sciences should
therefore now direct their attention to the whole issue of indigenizing the socialist
political economy.
At the most basic level then the debate about planning amongst the left intellectuals in
Zimbabwe is still not about the dualism of ideologies in Zimbabwe's superstructure.
Rather, it is the articulation of Euro-centric versions of what the best road is to socialism.
This is manifested in the fragmentation of the whole academic field of planning into
regional and urban planning, social planning, district planning, etc. And despite much
talk about political economy, we have not stopped to engage in self-critiques of our own
individual planning ideologies or notions of "order".
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Masuko, Louis (1990), Vertical branch planning and horizontal territorial planning: a review of the approach, problems and the distribution of the productive forces, Discussion paper no. 11, Harare: Institute of Development Studies, University of Zimbabwe
Economic Developmentxmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-rights of Development Studies, University of Zimbabwe