Browsing Faculty of Engineering & The Built Environment e-Theses Collection by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 137
Analysis Of Institutional Mechanisms That Support Community Response to Impacts of Floods and Drought in the Middle-Zambezi River Basin, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-17)In recent years, the frequency of droughts has been increasing in Southern Africa. In areas such as the middle Zambezi Valley’s Manyame catchment, Zimbabwe, floods are also a frequent occurrence. Increase in the frequency ... -
An analysis of the Cahora Bassa Dam Water Balance and Reservoir Operations and their Flooding Impact on Upstream Settlements
(2012-07-17)The Lower Middle Zambezi catchment is sandwiched between three major dams; Kariba, Kafue (Itezhi-tezhi) and Cahora Bassa. The upstream dams have an impact on the inflows in the downstream Cahora Bassa Dam and, also, on ... -
(2012-10-16)Water is a critical resource for rural livelihoods and lie at the heart of rural development in Southern Africa in general, particularly in Zambia. The institutional route to accessing water as laid by formal and informal ... -
An analysis of the impacts of prepaid water meters in three towns in Namibia.
(2016-06)Namibia’s climate is hot and dry with erratic rainfall.Groundwateristhe main source of water. Namibian municipalities are responsible for drinking water delivery in urban areas. They buy bulk water from the national water ... -
Analysis of water governance in urban local authorities of Zimbabwe
(2013-12)Urban water governance practices have a great influence on the quality of water services delivered. Infrastructural developments need to be complemented by effective management practices in order to realise full benefits ... -
Android application for crop disease diagnosis using image processing and deep learning (Smart Agriculture).
(2020-07)Plant diseases are a major threat to food security worldwide. An accurate and a faster approach to detection and diagnosis of diseases in crops will go a long way to help farmers save their crop and increase yield. Recent ... -
Assessing the rate of sedimentation of the Lubovane reservoir and the implications on the lifespan of the Lusip Project in Sphofaneni, Swaziland
(2016-07)An average of 19% of the reservoir storage volumes has been lost to sedimentation in Africa. The Lubovane reservoir in Swaziland, having been commissioned in 2009, is not an exception to sedimentation as all reservoirs ... -
(2012-10-17)Chalimbana river originates from forest reserve number 27 east of Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka. From its headwaters to the confluence with Chongwe river, Chalimbana river meanders through the farming and rural community ... -
Assessment and development of remote sensing based algorithms for water quality monitoring in Olushandja Dam, North-Central Namibia.
(2016-07)Olushandja Dam is amongst Namibia’s inland water bodies that store and supply water to towns such as Outapi, Oshikuku and Oshakati. The dam is part of a complex water supply system that transports inter-basin water from ... -
Assessment of benefits of floodplain recession farming in Mbire District, Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe
(2013-09)Food insecurity is a major challenge in Mbire district as the grain yield (maize and sorghum) from rain-fed farming are low due to erratic rainfall distribution (400 - 650 mm). The inhabitants of this area have resorted ... -
An Assessment of Climate Change and Possible Impact on Available Water Resources on the Odzi sub-catchment in Zimbabwe
(2012-10-15)Climate change according to IPCC usage refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. This study focused on assessing rainfall and runoff data of a micro ... -
Assessment of conjunctive use of small earth dams and boreholes for sustainable rural livelihoods in a semi-arid area: Case of Lilongwe West Rural Groundwater Project area, Malawi
(2012-08-30)Semi-arid Africa is well known for its unpredictable rainfall patterns, increased cases of drought and dry spells, high evaporative demands and increasing population which put pressure on water resources. Local experiences ... -
Assessment of conjunctive use of small earth dams and boreholes for sustainable rural livelihoods in a semi-arid area: Case of Lilongwe West Rural Groundwater Project area, MALAWI
(2012-10-31)Semi-arid Africa is well known for its unpredictable rainfall patterns, increased cases of drought and dry spells, high evaporative demands and increasing population which put pressure on water resources. Local experiences ... -
An Assessment of Gender Mainstreaming in Water Resources Management: A Case Study of Mkoji Sub Catchment in Usangu Plains, Tanzania.
(2012-08-30)From the late 1980s onwards, the Gender and Development (GAD) approach was developed with the objective of removing disparities in social, economic, and political balances between women and men as a pre-condition for ... -
(2012-11-01)From the late 1980s onwards, the Gender and Development (GAD) approach was developed with the objective of removing disparities in social, economic, and political balances between women and men as a pre-condition for ... -
An assessment of groundwater potential and vulnerability in The Upper Manyame Sub-Catchment of Zimbabwe.
(2016-12)Groundwater plays a pivotal role in meeting potable water needs. However, significant stresses generated from anthropogenic activities have affected its safe use. In-order to enable appropriate risk communication and ... -
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability due to urban settlements: A case study of Temeke District in Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania
(2016-12)The world’s human population is increasing at an unprecedented rate with much of this growth taking place in towns and citiesof developing countries.Dar es Salaamin United Republic of Tanzania is one of the fastest growing ... -
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability in Norton Town, Zimbabwe.
(2016-07)The current threats of climate change have prompted the dependency on groundwater as a sustainable supply of domestic water. As a result, maintaining groundwater quality has remained a critical intervention for many local ... -
Assessment of impacts of socio-economic activities on water quality within Mulunguzi Catchment, Malawi
(2012-10-17)The main objective of this research was to assess the impact of socio-economic activities on water quality within Mulunguzi hydrological catchment. The rate of timber harvesting has not matched the rate of planting within ... -
Assessment of land use dynamics of the N’djili catchment in DR Congo: implication for catchment planning
(2013-12)The lack of the basic data in both ungauged and poorly gauged catchments make the tasks of water resources management and planning challenging in these areas. This leads to ineffectiveness and improper assessment of water ...