Browsing Faculty of Engineering & The Built Environment e-Theses Collection by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 137
The hydrometallurgical ferro-reductive decomposition of stibnite, galena and arsenopyrite/pyrite gold bearing flotation concentrates.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2002)The thesis describes experimental investigations on the reductive decomposition of three sulphide minerals, namely (a) stibnite (Sb2S3), a gold and silver bearing antimony sulphide; (b) galena (PbS), a mainly silver bearing ... -
Transformation of small-scale artisanal gold mining in Zimbabwe through investment in appropriate technology and promoting the concept of sustainable development: The possibility of industrial small-scale mining
(2008-04)Artisanal gold mining is slowly adopting technology formally used in medium to large size mines and developing it into innovative, specialized equipment tailored to conditions pertaining to remote locations in Zimbabwe. ... -
Hydrological analysis of the Middle Zambezi and impacts of the operation of hydropower dams on flow regime in the Mana Pools National Park
(2012-07-13)The Mana Pools flood plain along the Middle Zambezi River and part of a popular Mana Pools National Park of Zimbabwe is experiencing both ecological and morphological change since the construction of upstream hydropower ... -
Assessment of perfomance of Urban Water Supply in the City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-13)The provision of adequate and reliable water supply in developing countries is becoming a challenge for most water utilities especially public service providers. The existence of an information gap regarding the assessment ... -
Spatial Soil Erosion Hazard Assessment and Modelling in Mbire District, Zimbabwe: Implications for Catchment Management
(2012-07-13)Soil erosion is a natural geomorphological process resulting from water and land interactions but accelerated to become an environmental hazard by human activities such as clearing of forests for cultivation, poor farming ... -
Risk analysis of Wastewater use in Crop Production: A case of Glen Valley Irrigation Scheme, Botswana
(2012-07-13)The Glen Valley Irrigation Scheme uses treated sewage effluent for crop production, however the potential public health risks associated with wastewater use is of major concern to workers and consumers. This research was ... -
Assessment of performance of Small-Scale Water Infrastructure for Multiple use in Insiza District, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-13)Small-scale Water Infrastructure (SWI) support livelihoods of rural communities by providing water for domestic, agriculture and livestock. The provision of water for agriculture and livestock gives secondary benefits of ... -
Analysis Of Institutional Mechanisms That Support Community Response to Impacts of Floods and Drought in the Middle-Zambezi River Basin, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-17)In recent years, the frequency of droughts has been increasing in Southern Africa. In areas such as the middle Zambezi Valley’s Manyame catchment, Zimbabwe, floods are also a frequent occurrence. Increase in the frequency ... -
Contribution of Hydrological Processes in the Occurrence of Extreme Hydrological Events in the Middle Zambezi River Basin
(2012-07-17)The middle Zambezi has experienced hydrological extremes in alternating intervals. The impacts are mostly felt by the people who live close to the river and mostly around Lake Cahora Bassa. A study on the analysis of the ... -
Coping With Droughts and Floods in the Middle Zambezi Valley: A case study of Kanyemba, Mbire District
(2012-07-17)Water related extreme events like drought and floods have become recurrent in Kanyemba. Low rainfall totals, combined with intra-season dry-spells, are responsible for low yields. Heavy rain within a short period and ... -
Comparative Assessment of Performance of Urban Water Supply Systems in Small Towns of Zimbabwe
(2012-07-17)One of the major challenges faced by residents of small urban towns globally is that of poor Water and Sanitation Service delivery. The management of urban water services has become very important in the wake of the cholera ... -
An analysis of the Cahora Bassa Dam Water Balance and Reservoir Operations and their Flooding Impact on Upstream Settlements
(2012-07-17)The Lower Middle Zambezi catchment is sandwiched between three major dams; Kariba, Kafue (Itezhi-tezhi) and Cahora Bassa. The upstream dams have an impact on the inflows in the downstream Cahora Bassa Dam and, also, on ... -
Assessment of the water quality and spatial distribution of the major pollutants in Ngerengere River Catchment, Tanzania.
(2012-07-17)Pollution from natural and anthropogenic processes threatens available fresh water resources. This is the case for Ngerengere River in Wami/Ruvu basin in Tanzania. The pollution is aggravated by agricultural and industrial ... -
Risk Analysis of Wastewater use in Crop Production: A case of Glen Valley Irrigation Scheme, Botswana
(2012-07-17)The Glen Valley Irrigation Scheme uses treated sewage effluent for crop production, however the potential public health risks associated with wastewater use is of major concern to workers and consumers. This research was ... -
Development and Testing of an ICT-based Decision Support System for effective Management of Small Reservoirs: the case of Gwanda district, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-17)Small reservoirs represent one of the most important sources of water for livelihoods in the Mzingwane catchment, which constitutes the entirety of the Limpopo basin in Zimbabwe, because of semi-arid conditions that ... -
Assessment of the Quality of Water in Urban Rivers - A case study of Lilongwe River in Malawi
(2012-07-31)Lilongwe the capital city of Malawi has a population of 670,000 and is fast growing at a rate of 4.3% per annum. All streams and runoffs in the city drain in Lilongwe River, hence its water quality for human use appears ... -
Assessment of the State of the Water Quality of The Lusushwana River, Swaziland, using selected Water Quality Indices
(2012-07-31)Water quality indices are one of the major developments that have taken place in water quality monitoring. Since the development of the first water quality index various other water quality indices have been developed, ... -
Investigating Opportunities for the Formalization of Small Scale Independent Providers of Water Services In Dar-Es-Salaam City, Tanzania
(2012-07-31)In the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, 70% of households have no direct access to water supply services from Dar es Salaam Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DAWASCO). Peri-urban areas are the most affected and are ... -
Remote sensing based estimation of evaporation among different land cover types in the Upper-Wami River Basin, Tanzania
(2012-07-31)In Semi-arid Africa, evaporation is the dominant hydrological flux and hence an important component in water resources management. However, it is a challenge to fairly estimate the spatial variation of evaporation ... -
The Impact of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes in Chivi District, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-31)The effectiveness of development activities in water and other sectors can be improved through a broad-based analysis of livelihoods and the factors that influence them, including the wider ‘vulnerability context’ in ...