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dc.contributor.authorChikonzo, Agnes
dc.identifier.citationChikonzo, A. (2006).The potential of information and communication technologies in collecting, preserving and disseminating indigenous knowledge in Africa. The International Information and Library Review, 38, 132-138.en
dc.description.abstractThis paper gives an outline of the importance of African indigenous knowledge. After that it gives the definition of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and indigenous knowledge. It then goes on to highlight examples in which information communication technologies have been used to preserve IK successfully. The paper further list projects which are still underway, in which information communication technologies are being harnessed in the collection and preservation of the IK. Lastly, the paper looks at the challenges faced by African in harnessing information communication technologies in preserving IK and recommendations on the way forwarden
dc.format.extent3073527 bytes
dc.publisherThe International Information and Library Reviewen
dc.subjectindigenous knowledgeen
dc.subjectlocal knowledgeen
dc.subjecttraditional knowledgeen
dc.subjectknowledge preservationen
dc.subjectdigital librariesen
dc.titleThe potential of information and communication technologies in collecting, preserving and disseminating indigenous knowledge in Africaen

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