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dc.contributor.authorWhitbread, Anthony M.
dc.contributor.authorJiri, Obert
dc.contributor.authorMaasdorp, Barbara
dc.identifier.citationWhitbread, A. M., Jiri, O., and Maasdorp, B. (2004). The effect of managing improved fallows of Mucuna pruriens on maize production and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in sub-humid Zimbabwe. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 69: 59–71.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractMucuna pruriens has emerged as a successful forage or green manure legume for use in the smallholder animallivestock systems of Zimbabwe. The efficiency of N recovery from mucuna residues in subsequent maize crops can be low and the loss of nitrate nitrogen from the soil profile prior to maize N demand is proposed as a reason for this. An experiment was established in the 1999–2000 wet season at seven on-farm sites in a communal farming district of Zimbabwe average rainfall 650–900 mm on acidic pH 5 , and inherently infertile soils with texture ranging from sandy/sandy loam n 5 to clay n 2 . Improved fallows of mucuna grown for 19 weeks produced between 4.7 and 8.5 t/ha dry matter DM at the sandy/sandy loam sites and between 9.5 and 11.2 t/ha DM at the clay sites. This biomass was then either cut and removed as hay, or ploughed in as a green manure. Weedy fallow treatments, which represent typical farmer practice, produced 3.3–6.3 t/ha DM. A maize crop was then grown on these same sites in the following 2000–2001 wet season and the dynamics of soil N and C and maize production were investigated. Where mucuna was green manured, a positive linear response r2 0.72 in maize yield to increasing mucuna biomass containing 101–348 kg N/ha was found. On the sandy sites, and where no P fertiliser was applied to the previous mucuna phase, a maize grain yield of 2.3 t/ha was achieved following the mucuna green-manure system; this was 64% higher than the maize yield following the weedy fallow and 100% higher than the maize yield following the mucuna ‘removed’ hay system. Apparent nitrogen recoveries in the range of 25 to 53% indicate that there are large quantities of nitrogen not utilised by the subsequent maize phase. The loss of 73 kg/ha of nitrate N from the soil profile 0–120 cm early in the wet season and prior to maize N demand is proposed as a reason for low N recovery. No change in labile C measured with 333 mM KMnO4 was detected through the soil profile at this time and it is suggested that labile C movement occurred between the sampling times.en_ZW
dc.subjectGreen manureen_ZW
dc.subjectMaize responseen_ZW
dc.subjectMucuna pruriensen_ZW
dc.subjectNitrate leachingen_ZW
dc.subjectSoil carbonen_ZW
dc.subjectSoil nitrateen_ZW
dc.titleThe effect of managing improved fallows of Mucuna pruriens on maize production and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in sub-humid Zimbabween_ZW

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