ALRI was born out of the African Languages Lexical (ALLEX) Project. The ALLEX Project was officially launched in 1992 in the department of African Languages and Literature. To start with, it comprised mainly of part-time members from different departments. The project worked in collaboration with the University of Oslo and the University of Gothenburg, and its area of focus was mainly lexicography. <br> A considerable amount of data has been collected in the past eight years. A small ALLEX library cum archive comprising audiotapes from field research, transcriptions of the taped materials, book, journals and technical reports was built. <br> Large electronic Shona and Ndebele corpora were also built for use in various researches especially lexicographic work. The first general Shona monolingual dictionary was published in 1996. Also, large electronic databases for use in dictionary making were built. <br> The ALLEX Project had to be transformed into a permanent institute to add research units for other languages of Zimbabwe other than Shona and Ndebele, which are the national indigenous languages of the country. The new institute was established as the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI). The main focus of ALRI is language research and development


Related links <br> <a href = "">Duramazwi RechiShona </a><br><br> <a href = "">Isichazamazwi SesiNdebele</a><br><br> <a href = "">Duramazwi Guru RechiShona </a><br><br> <a href = "">ALRI homepage </a>

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