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dc.contributor.authorSvotwa, Ezekia
dc.contributor.authorMasuka, Anxious
dc.contributor.authorMaasdorp, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorMurwira, Amon
dc.identifier.citationSvotwa, E., Masuka, J., Maasdorp, B., & Murwira, A. (2013). Spectral Indices: In-Season Dry Mass and Yield Relationship of Flue-Cured Tobacco under Different Planting Dates and Fertiliser Levels. ISRN Agronomy, 2013. Retrieved from
dc.description.abstractThis experiment investigated the relationship between tobacco canopy spectral characteristics and tobacco biomass. A completely randomized design, with plantings on the 15th of September, October, November, and December, each with 9 variety × fertiliser management treatments, was used. Starting from6 weeks after planting, reflectance measurements were taken fromone row, using a multispectral radiometer. Individual plants from the other 3 rows were also measured, and the above ground whole plants were harvested and dried for reflectance/dry mass regression analysis. The central row was harvested, cured, and weighed. Both the maximum NDVI and mass at untying declined with later planting and so was the mass-NDVI coefficient of determination. The best fitting curves for the yield-NDVI correlations were quadratic. September reflectance values from the October crop reflectance were statistically similar (𝑃 > 0.05), while those for the November and the December crops were significantly different (𝑃 < 0.05) fromthe former two.Mass at untying andNDVI showed a quadratic relationship in all the three tested varieties.Theoptimum stage for collecting spectral data for tobacco yield estimation was the 8–12 weeks after planting.The results could be useful in accurate monitoring of crop development patterns for yield forecasting purposes.en_US
dc.subjectRemote sensingen_US
dc.subjectSpatial informationen_US
dc.subjectCrop yielden_US
dc.subjectSpectral indicesen_US
dc.subjectTobacco plantingen_US
dc.titleSpectral indices: In-season dry mass and yield relationship of flue-cured tobacco under different planting dates and fertiliser levelsen_US

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