The mission of the department is to produce high quality professional science and mathematics educators. The department of Science and Mathemantics Education focuses on The pre-and - in-service training of science and mathematics educators in the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Goeography, Physics and Mathematics and public services. The programmes offered lead to the attainment of Bachelor of Education (Science and Mathematics Education) BED (S&M ED) Masters in Science/Mathematics Education Post Graduate Diploma in Science Education (Dip ScEd). Public Service includes providing a series of workshops and seminars related to the improvement of the quality of science education for both primary and secondary Science Mathematics, and Geography teachers. This is accomplished in collaboration with the ministry of education and other stake Holders.


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Recent Submissions

  • Undergraduate student teachers conceptualisations of mathematical proof. 

    Ndemo, Zakaria (University of Zimbabwe, 2019)
    Students face serious challenges in learning mathematical proofs. Although many studies have been done with the aim of improving the learning of mathematical proof beyond mere regurgitation of memorised facts, very few ...
  • Learning Mathematics for Personal Understanding and Productions: A Viewpoint 

    Mtetwa, David; Mudehwe, Lazarus; Munyira, Sheunesu (Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), 2010-12)
    In this paper we reflect on what makes mathematics more meaningful and more easily understood and thus enabling the learner to apply it to everyday situations in his/her life world. We identify personal – in relation to ...