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dc.contributor.authorChaneta, Isaac
dc.identifier.citationChaneta, I. (2013). Organisations' social responsibility. University of Zimbabwe Business Review, 1 (1), 55 - 61.en_US
dc.description.abstractFor a long time organisations have acknowledged their responsibility towards the community and the environment in which they operate. Responsibility does not end with the production of goods or the rendering of service of a high quality as required by the community, but extend into the social field. In the Middle Ages, Popes gave generously of their personal fortunes. Social responsibility is a social norm. This norm holds that any social institution, including the smallest family unit and the largest corporation responsible for the behaviour of its members, may be held accountable for their misdeeds. It is implicitly stated that an organisation's responsibility extends far beyond the internal maintenance of its human resources to the external work environment as well. An organization fulfills its social responsibility when it meets economic and legal obligations. A socially responsive organisation acts the way it does because of its desire to satisfy some expressed social need. Social responsiveness is guided by social norms.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Commerceen_US
dc.subjectsocial normen_US
dc.subjectlabour accountabilityen_US
dc.subjectfringe benefitsen_US
dc.subjectretention of labouren_US
dc.titleOrganisations' social responsibilityen_US

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