Browsing Faculty of Agriculture Environment and Food Systems ETDs by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 105
Technical challenges and Agribusiness prospects for for developing pro-poor small scale dairy processing schemes in Omaheke Region on Namibia:Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Dairy Development Program
(2012-06-29)A study was conducted to assess the potential of establishing small-scale dairy processing schemes that would bring development and economic growth, alleviate poverty and enhance the standards of life of the Namibian ... -
(2012-06-29)The overall objective of the study was to carry out a socio-economic analysis of the potential of implementing tradable grazing rights as a market based mechanism for grazing resource management in Buhera and Chiduku ... -
Technical challenges and Agribusiness prospects for for developing pro-poor small scale dairy processing schemes in Omaheke Region on Namibia:Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Dairy Development Program
(2012-07-11)A study was conducted to assess the potential of establishing small-scale dairy processing schemes that would bring development and economic growth, alleviate poverty and enhance the standards of life of the Namibian ... -
Evaluation of the feed resources and analysis of body condition scores of local pigs in a semi-arid smallholder farming area of Zimbabwe
(2012-07-11)The objectives of this study were to characterise the types, seasonal distribution, and nutritive value of feed resources and growth performance of local pigs in Chinyuni ward,Chirumanzu district. Pig herd sizes were (mean ... -
Genetic Resource Base, Phenotypic Characters and Herd Dynamics of Indigenous Pigs in a Semi-arid Smallholder Farming Area of Zimbabwe
(2012-07-11)The objective of the study was to determine the genetic resource base, phenotypic characters and breeding systems of local pigs in Chirumanzu district, Zimbabwe. A survey, measurement of phenotypic traits of local pigs and ... -
Characterisation of Goat production systems and productivity in Rushinga Communal area, Zimbabwe
(2012-07-11)One monitoring and 2 on-farm experimental studies were undertaken using goats that belonged to smallholder farmers in Rushinga communal area, Zimbabwe. The objectives of these studies were to investigate the effect(s) of ... -
A study on initial establishment of multi-purpose Moringa (Moringa oleifera.Lam) with focus on stand densities, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, pH, media type and Seed priming
(2012-08-29)Moringa is a multi-purpose tree which has gained a lot of publicity because of its many varied uses, which range from the medicinal applications, industrial, sanitary to the nutritional. Moringa has very high nutritional ... -
Studies on Seedbed Sterilisation, Disease and Weed Control Methods for Paprika (Capsicum Annuum L.) in the Smallholder Farming Sector of Zimbabwe.
(2012-08-29)The objective of this study carried out in 2000/01, 2001/02 and 2002/03 rainy seasons in Chinyika Resettlement Area (CRA) was to develop cost effective crop protection practices in the nursery and field for paprika production. ... -
Participatory Variety Selection and Evaluation of Sixteen Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench] Varieties Grown on the Flat and on Tied Ridges
(2012-08-29)Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a crop of great diversity, mainly grown in semi-arid and arid areas because of its adaptability to moisture stress and low fertility. In Zimbabwe, sorghum production is affected by ... -
Vegetation Soil Relationships as Aids to Soil Survey in Semi-Arid Areas.
(2012-08-29)The hypothesis that vegetation and woody species indicate soil type and land potential is very common in Zimbabwe and other similar countries. Research in vegetation – soil relationships to test this hypothesis in Zimbabwe ... -
Evaluation of Moringa (Moringa oleifera (Lam) as a shade tree for Rape production in the Lowveld Semi-Arid region of Zimbabwe
(2012-08-29)Rape (Brassica napus) is the most popular vegetable in semi-arid region Zimbabwe owing to its nutritional value and income generation. This leafy vegetable is a cool-season crop and its production is limited to periods of ... -
Genetic Diversity Assessment of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Landraces Collected from Zimbabwe’s Communal Areas, based on Microsatellites and Isozymes.
(2012-08-29)Landraces of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) are grown throughout Zimbabwe and frequently given names describing important traits they possess or their origin. Little ... -
Genetic analysis of Maize Streak Virus (MSV) resistance in dwarf maize
(2012-08-29)Maize Streak Virus (MSV) is the most widespread biotic constraint to maize (Zea mays L.) production in Africa and may lead to total crop loss in susceptible varieties. Use of resistant cultivars is the most efficient and ... -
Evaluation of Three Animal Powered Weeding Implements in Cotton Based Systems of the Zambezi Valley in Zimbabwe.
(2012-08-29)This thesis reports the results of a survey carried out in Muzarabani, through use of a questionnaire administered to a total of 83 farmers in Gutsa, Muringazuva, Mfudzi and Kapembere villages to determine the condition ... -
Evaluating Hybrid-Maize Simulation Model for Grain Yield Estimation in Hybrid Seed Maize Production
(2012-08-30)The study was carried out to determine the effect of Male Planting Date (MPD) and Female Plant Population (FPP) on the Grain Yield (GY), yield components and flowering of a three-way hybrid. The study also evaluated ... -
Genetic variability, host specificity and resistance in Striga Asiatica-host plant interactions
(2012-08-30)Genetic analyses were conducted on Striga asiatica populations collected from different host species and geographic areas throughout Zimbabwe. These collections had been suspected to differ in their virulence, leading to ... -
Identification of Fungal Seed Borne Pathogens in Farm Saved and Certified Seed of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) and Evaluation of the Incidence and Severity of Seed Borne and Non-seed Borne Disease in the Field.
(2012-08-30)A study to identify fungal seed borne pathogens on sorghum seed samples and to assess seed to field transmission of these pathogens was carried out at the Crop Science Department in the 2003/04 season. Seed samples collected ... -
Mineral Nutrition and Integration of Forage Legumes into Smallholder Farming Systems, with Emphasis on Velvet Bean [Mucuna pruriens (L) DC var. utilis].
(2012-08-30)The major objective of this work was to evaluate and compare forage supply and soil fertility effects of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) integrated into smallholder cropping systems as ley, intercrop and green ... -
Characterisation, Epidemiology and Control of Scab on Protea Spp. Caused by Elsinoe Spp. (Anamorph Sphaceloma Protearum).
(2012-08-30)Protea scab, a commercially important disease of Protea spp., is discernable by raised, circular to oval, red – black leaf and stem lesions, which distort young plant growth. The causal agent was determined to be Sphaceloma ... -
Selection for High Grain Yield and Determination of Heritable Variation in Biomass Yield, Grain Yield and Harvest Index in Different Plant Height Classes of Breeding Populations of Spring Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.).
(2012-08-30)High grain yield is a prerequisite in the release of wheat genotypes intended for production under high input and capital-intensive cultures such as is practiced in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe experiences shortages of wheat grain ...