Faculty of Agriculture Environment and Food Systems ETDs
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Investigation of grain postharvest technologies and systems for managing climate-related risks in smallholder farms of shire valley, southern Malawi.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2020-12-30)The world’s climate is changing. Increasing temperatures and incidence of dry spells and droughts are projected to continue into the next century. These factors will negatively affect household (HH) food security, crop ... -
Genetic characterisation of Striga gesnerioides and its control strategies in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L).
(University of Zimbabwe, 2020-09-01)Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is an important contributor to the GDP and export revenue of Zimbabwe. One of the emerging threats to tobacco production is Striga gesnerioides, a root parasitic weed which belongs to the ... -
Combining ability and heterosis of heat and drought stress tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.).
(2019-05-01)Drought and heat stress are major abiotic stresses limiting maize production in Zimbabwe and Africa at large causing low yields. In order to bridge on this gap of low yields, within its Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa ... -
Genomic selection in rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS) marker data obtained from genotyping by sequencing (GBS).
(2019-06-01)Genomic selection (GS) in rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) has huge potential to meet future demands of rubber in an economically and environmentally sustainable way. In Hevea breeding programmes, genomic selection can ... -
Milk production and marketing in organized smallholder dairy value chains: A case study of dairy development programme schemes in Zimbabwe.
(2019-06-01)At the attainment of Zimbabwe’s independence, the government of Zimbabwe established the smallholder dairy development programme to encourage smallholder farmers to participate in organized value chains. Although now ... -
Response of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) to rhizobia inoculation, nitrogen and phosphorus application on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe.
(2019-06-01)Soil fertility depletion ranks as the most important drawback to crop productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. On-farm experiments were conducted during the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 cropping seasons to explore the effect of ... -
Effects of parent choices of provitamin A inbred lines on productivity and stability of their corresponding hybrids.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-06-01)Maize is a cereal that is widely utilized as both a food and feed crop globally. In Africa alone, about 900 million people depend on maize as a staple crop. Although maize is very rich in energy, it contains nutritionally ... -
Mechanisms and mode of inheritance for Striga asiatica resistance in IITA derived maize germplasm.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2015-05-01)S. asiatica is the most common parasitic weed found in Zimbabwe. It causes huge grain losses in resource poor smallholder farming sector characterised by poor soil fertility and low rainfall. S. asiatica resistant maize ... -
Evaluation of CIMMYT three-way experimental maize hybrids developed using provitamin A single crosses and quality protein inbred lines.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-05-01)Provitamin A single cross by quality protein (PVTA x QP) three-way maize hybrids developed by CIMMYT were evaluated for their grain yielding abilities, yield stability and days to 50 % anthesis. The objective of the ... -
Maize fertilization under conservation agriculture systems on heterogeneous smallholder farms in Zimbabwe.
(2019-09-01)Soil fertility depletion, unreliable rainfall patterns and poor access to nutrient supplements continue to impede crop production in much of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There is increasing need to develop holistic ... -
The contributions of women in farming to the political economy of Zimbabwe: A focus on women in A1 and A2 farming models (2000-2016).
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-08-01)This study examined the contributions of A1 and A2 black women farmers, who benefitted from Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP), to the political economy of the country for the period 2000 up to 2016. The ... -
Detection of Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus resistance gene (N-gene) in tobacco genotypes using gene specific markers.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2012-11-01)Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV) is one of the most destructive viral diseases that threaten worldwide tobacco production. Use of host resistance appears to be the best way to control the disease. The use of specific ... -
Morphological characterization and genetic diversity assessment of African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) accessions in Ethiopia.
(thesis (unpublished), 2019-06-01)African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) Harms) (AYB) is an underutilized tropical leguminous plant which produces edible seed grain, leaf spinach and tubers. Africa yam bean possess a greater potential ... -
Invasive plant species of savanna rangelands: Are they a threat or an opportunity?
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018-11-01)Invasive and less palatable plant species are prevalent on most rangelands. Finding ways of utilising them should be a research priority. This study evaluated the threats and potential uses of invasive plant species ... -
Ecology of maize-cowpea intercropping on biological nitrogen fixation, productivity and grain mineral composition along soil fertility gradients in Zimbabwe.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-10-01)Recurrent droughts, infertile soils, lack of adequate machinery and other inputs are jeopardizing crop production in the smallholder farming sector of Sub Saharan Africa. Diversification and intensification of farming ... -
Assessing the genetic value of exotic maize inbred lines and agronomic performance of their corresponding maize single-cross hybrids with the elite CIMMYT lines.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-06-01)Exotic germplasm is known to improve productivity and variability of the locally adapted populations, however little has been done to assess gains that could be attained after genetic integrations in the CIMMYT-Zimbabwe ... -
Investigations on climate smart agriculture practices use among smallholder farmers to cope with climate change and variability in Mozambique.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-06-01)The effects of climate change and variability on agriculture are severe, and constitute one of the most significant emerging challenges to household livelihoods in Africa. As such, it is imperative ... -
Variation in bioavailable zinc and iron in Zimbabwe and their effects on crop productivity and quality.
(2020-11-01)Dietary micronutrient deficiencies remain prevalent in southern Africa, especially among rural households consuming staple plant-based diets. Despite evidence of improved micronutrient concentration in staple grains ... -
Genetic characterization of striga gesnerioides and its control strategies in tobacco (nicotiana tabacum).
(thesis (unpublished), 2020-09-01)Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is an important contributor to the GDP and export revenue of Zimbabwe. One of the emerging threats to tobacco production is Striga gesnerioides, a root parasitic weed which belongs to the ... -
Evaluation of trichoderma strains as biocontrol of fusarium oxysporum f.sp lycopersici in tomato
(thesis (unpublished), 2019-06-01)Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important crop which provides people with essential nutrients e.g. potassium and phosphorus as well as anti-oxidants important in fighting cancers. Its production is threatened ...