Centre for Teacher Education and Materials Development Staff Publications : [27] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Design and implementation of degree programmes in teacher educationMatete, Madiba; Moyana, Rosemary; Mushi, Honaratha
1999-08Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into education and trainingNziramasanga, C.T.; et al
2000The role of zviera in socialisationTatira, Liveson; livesontatira@yahoo.co.uk
2005Shona folktales: Torwards a developmental interpretationTatira, Liveson; livesontatira@yahoo.co.uk
2000Zviera ZvaVaShonaTatira, Liveson; livesontatira@yahoo.co.uk
2001Proverbs in Zimbabwean AdvertisementsTatira, Liveson
2004Beyond the Dog's Name: A Silent Dialogue Among the Shona PeopleTatira, Liveson
2009-03An experimental study into theuse of computers for teaching of composition writing in English at Prince Edward School in HarareTatira, L.; Sithole, N.; Manyarara, B.C.; Gora, R.
2011-12A comparison of preferences for real-life situations that could be used in school mathematics in three SADC countriesMtetwa, David; Holtman, Lorna; Julie, Cyril; Mbekwa, Monde; Ngcobo, Minenhle
2010-03-01Delineating structural and ethical shades of sports administration in Zimbabwe: a case Study of Mashonaland Central's rural schools.Mangena, Fainos; fainosmangena@gmail.com
2010-09-07Post Independent Zimbabwe's new ‘O’ Level History Syllabus 2166: A crisis of expectationsChitate, Hardy
2008-11Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills for Bachelor of Education Degree Students at the University of Zimbabwe: Implications for University Policy on a Computer Course for Undergraduate Student Teachers.Zengeya, Munyaradzi
2007-09-01School dropouts in Zimbabwe between 1980 and 2004: Implications for education and training policy twenty-five years after independence.Zengeya, Munyaradzi Alexander
1991-03A Comparative Analysis of Student Achievement by School Type in Zimbabwean Secondary SchoolsNyagura, Levi
1996Literature and Liberation....the Second Phase Shimmer Chinodya's Harvest of ThornsMoyana, Rosemary
1994Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions: An Attempt in the Feminist TraditionMoyana, Rosemary
1993Patriotism and the Zimbabwean School ChildMoyana, Rosemary
1996Men and Women: Gender Issues in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions and She No Longer WeepsMoyana, Rosemary
1991-03The Difficulties of Teaching PoetryMoyana, Rosemary
1990-11Teacher Quality in Zimbabwe Secondary SchoolsNyagura, Levi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27