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Title: Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions: An Attempt in the Feminist Tradition
Authors: Moyana, Rosemary
Keywords: literature
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe Publications
Citation: Moyana, Rosemary.(1994), ''Nervous Conditions: An Attempt in the Feminist Tradition'', Zambezia, vol.21,no.1, pp.23-44.
Abstract: This article discusses Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions as an attempt in the feminist tradition. It begins by examining the meanings of the words 'gender" 'female', 'feminist' and 'feminine' and then goes on to analyse the roles of the men and women in the novel to show why it should be categorized as feminist. It is basically through these roles that Dangarembga gives strength to the woman's voice.
ISSN: 0379-0622
Appears in Collections:Centre for Teacher Education and Materials Development Staff Publications

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