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Title: The O' Level Mathematics Curriculum for Zimbabwe: Does it Meet the Expectations for Quality Mathematics Education in Zimbabwe?
Keywords: Education
Science and Society
Issue Date: Mar-1997
Publisher: Department of Teacher Education (DTE) University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
Abstract: This paper gives a critical analysis of the ‘0’ level mathematics syllabus for Zimbabwe. It argues that the present syllabus does not provide a balance between intuitive thinking and analytical thinking in Mathematics. It argues and justifies the retention of certain topics in the ‘0’ level syllabus and the introduction of new topics.
Other Identifiers: Chinhanu, C. (1997) The O' Level Mathematics Curriculum for Zimbabwe: Does it Meet the Expectations for Quality Mathematics Education in Zimbabwe? ZBTE vol. 5, no. 1, (pp. 13-24.) UZ, Mt. Pleasant, Harare: DTE.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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