Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs : [1048] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1048
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987-04Economic liberalisation versus the liberation process in Southern Africa: the IMF agreement with particular reference to Zambia and Tanzania-
2011-11Teaching Science through the Science Technology and Society (STS) lens in Zimbabwean High Schools: Opportunities and Constraints-
1989-07Pupil Assessment Techniques in Zimbabwe's secondary schools (1984-1987)-
1957-10A Survey of Leprosy amongst the Lovale Tribe in the Upper Zambesi Basin, Northern Rhodesia-
1989-07Salaries and the teaching profession in Zimbabwe: importance, desire and reality-
1974-12Development in Rhodesian tribal areas-
1955-03Medical experiences in Nyasaland-
2000-03Evaluation of management strategies for forest reserves in Malawi: the case of Thuma Forest Reserve-
1989Analysis of export instability and export promotion policies in Zimbabwe, 1980-1987.-
1955-03Datura poisoning-
1994-12Hydatidiform mole-
2011-11Evaluation of barriers to the integration of ICT in teaching and learning of science and mathematics in Zimbabwe's secondary schools-
1991-03Career aspirations of University Of Zimbabwe geography undergraduate students and the supply of graduate geography teachers-
2011-11The Impact of Water Shortages on Educational Delivery in Selected Schools in Harare East District-
1956-05The Muscle Relaxants in Anaesthesia-
1982-03The Role of the Private Sector In Zimbabwe.-
1991-03Skilled Labour Markets In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Mechanical Engineering Personnel-
1988The Save Study: Background and Methodology-
1992SAPES Trust Research: Peace and Security in Post-Apartheid Southern Africa-
2011-11Organisation, Quality and Challenges in the B. Ed Technical Education Degree Industrial Attachment Course, University of Zimbabwe.-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1048