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Title: The Role of the Private Sector In Zimbabwe.
Keywords: Economic Development
Industrial Development
Work and Labour
Issue Date: Mar-1982
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies Zimbabwe (ZIDS. )
Abstract: Today, the commercial sector (wholesaler trade, retail trade, finance, insurance, transport and communication, real estate, hotels and restaurants) is the third largest employer of labour after agriculture and manufacturing. This sector is also the largest contributor to total earnings, contributing about 24% to gross earnings in 1980. With this track record and Government’s stated policy of welcoming private sector participation in "productive activities which create employment opportunities and make a net contribution to the economy", I confidently state that private enterprise has a role to play in the future development of this country.
Other Identifiers: Botsh, A.A. (1982) 'The Role of the Private Sector In Zimbabwe', Report on the inaugural seminar of the Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, Special Paper Series: issue number 1, (pp. 53-57). UZ, Mt Pleasant, Harare: ZIDS.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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