Now showing items 21-40 of 47

    • A Synthesis of Challenges and Themes From Four Zimbabwean Companies 

      Madzivire, Alex B. (MaCotra, 2010)
      In the study, a longitudinal multiple case design was used to capture the experiences (in transformation) of four Zimbabwean companies spanning from 1980 when Zimbabwe attained its independence to 2000. This article ...
    • Selected Best-Practice Cases 

      Madzivire, Alex B. (MaCotra, 2010)
      An intensive literature search on transformation, change management and leadership revealed that the transformation theory arena has been driven by case studies. However, the case studies cited are predominantly Western. ...
    • The 1980 to 2000 Context for Zimbabwean Companies 

      Madzivire, Alex B. (MaCotra, 2010)
      A longitudinal multiple-case design was used to capture the experiences (in transformation) of four Zimbabwean companies spanning from 1980 when Zimbabwe attained its independence to 2000. The within case analysis prompted ...
    • A Teaching/Learning Case History of LEISURE in Zimbabwe 

      Madzivire, Alex B. (MaCotra, 2010)
      An intensive literature search on transformation, change management and leadership revealed that the transformation theory arena has been driven by case studies. However, the case studies cited were predominantly Western. ...
    • A Teaching/Learning Case History of FINANCE in Zimbabwe 

      Madzivire, Alex B. (MaCotra, 2010)
      An intensive literature search on transformation, change management and leadership revealed that the transformation theory arena has been driven by case studies. However, the case studies cited were predominantly Western. ...
    • A Teaching/Learning Case History of CROP in Zimbabwe 

      Madzivire, Alex B. (MaCotra, 2010)
      An intensive literature search on transformation, change management and leadership revealed that the transformation theory arena has been driven by case studies. However, the case studies cited were predominantly Western. ...
    • A Search for Constructs 

      Madzivire, Alex Benjamin (MaCoTra Publications, 2011)
      This article is a derivative of my doctoral thesis at the University of South Africa’s (UNISA) School of Business Leadership (SBL) from 2001 to 2003. The electronic version of the thesis is available on the Unisa Institutional ...
    • An Example of a Grounded Theory Research Proposal 

      Madzivire, Alex Benjamin (MaCoTra Publications, 2011)
      This article is a derivative of my doctoral thesis at the University of South Africa’s (UNISA) School of Business Leadership (SBL) from 2001 to 2003. The electronic version of the thesis is available on the Unisa Institutional ...
    • A Synthesis of Zimbabwean-relevant Literature from 1980 to 2000 

      Madzivire, Alex Benjamin (MaCoTra Publications, 2011)
      A number of scholars (e.g. Ferreira 1997, Clegg & Birch 1998, Secretan 1999, Beer & Nohria 2000, Mbigi 2000) share great concern over the limited in-depth examination and understanding of challenges related to organisational ...
    • Epidemiological studies of amphistome infections in cattle in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas of Zimbabwe 

      Pfukenyi, Davies Mubika; Mukaratirwa, Samson; Willingham, A.L.; Monrad, J. (Oasis Open journals, 2005)
      During the period between January 1999 and December 2000, the distribution and seasonal patterns of amphistome infections in cattle in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas of Zimbabwe were determined through ...
    • Does Money-growth Still Granger Cause Inflation and Economic Growth in Zimbabwe 

      Nhavira, John Davison (Southern Bureau of Strategic Studies Trust, 2009)
      The purpose of this study is to analyze, in the light of Zimbabwe's economic crisis, whether there is a stable and predictable relationship between monetary aggregates and macroeconomic variables such as output and prices. ...
    • Individual at work: Physical Characteristics, skills and Personality 

      Chaneta, Isaac (2010-06-29)
      Organisations in their collective sense are composed of individual human beings. These individuals act out their working lives within the framework of an organizational structure and in the context of particular ...
    • Marketing Role within the Firm 

      Chaneta, Isaac (2010)
      Consumer behaviour is determined by economic, psychological and sociological considerations. It is important to study non-economic buying motivations as these are present in the buying of industrial goods and services as ...
    • Marketing Role in Society 

      Chaneta, Isaac (2010-06)
      One reason for studying marketing is that, as consumers, a large share of purchasing dollar goes for marketing activities. Professor Reavis Cox (1995) estimated that 41.7 of this dollar is consumed by distribution activities. ...
    • Gathering information for Marketing Decision-Making 

      Chaneta, Isaac (2010-06)
      Marketing research is concerned with developing and analyzing the “facts” that help marketing managers do a better job of planning, executing and controlling. Marketing research is much more than a bundle of techniques or ...
    • Foreign Trade 

      Chaneta, Isaac (2010-06)
      The importance of foreign trade in general and exporting in particular to a country’s economy cannot be over emphasised. It is through exporting that a country earns foreign exchange to buy essential products it does not ...
    • Corporate Diversification Strategies 

      Chaneta, Isaac (2010-06)
      Attention shifts from formulating strategy for a single-business enterprise to formulating strategy for a diversified enterprise. Because a diversified firm is a collection of individual businesses but corporate strategy ...
    • Cost-oriented Pricing 

      Chaneta, Isaac (Dr.) (2011-05-11)
      Although in practice, there are many ways of arriving at a price, these can be reduced for simplicity to two basic methods namely, cost-oriented and demand-oriented price determination. Cost-oriented pricing is typical in ...
    • Humanisation of work 

      Chaneta, Isaac (Dr.) (2011-05-11)
      Overtime, some jobs become routine and less challenging, resulting in the demotivation of the job-holders. Effort should be made to make work more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks to a worker’s job. ...
    • Strategic Management Process 

      Chaneta, Isaac (Dr.) (2011-01-24)
      Wheelen and Hunger (2002) say that strategic management is a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of an organization. It includes environmental scanning (both external and internal) ...