Faculty of Science ETDs: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 257
Bionomics of malaria vectors in Mutare and Mutasa districts of Manicaland province, Zimbabwe
(2016-10)Bionomics of malaria vectors including species composition, resting and biting behaviour and insecticide resistance are important for insecticide-based malaria control and interventions. The lack of data on malaria vector ... -
The distribution of cattle and their interaction with the African Buffalo at the wildlife-livestock interface understood using real-time Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and remotely sensed data
(2016-04)The distribution of herbivores is hypothesized to be influenced by an interplay of several biophysical factors as well as human factors. However, our current understanding of herbivore movement dynamics and factors driving ... -
Diversity and population dynamics of bactrocera invadens and other tephritid fruit fly species infesting mango (mangifera indica) in Zimbabwe and relative efficacies of selected insecticides incorporated in food baits
(2016-04)Studies were conducted from November 2013 to October 2014 in Zimbabwe to determine the temporal population dynamics of the invasive fruit fly pest Bactrocera invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae), to determine the pest’s host ... -
Insecticide susceptibility status of Prostephanus truncatus (horn) and Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) in Zimbabwe and assessment of enhancement of grain protection through incorporation of eucalyptus leaves
(2016-04)Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky and Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) are the two most destructive post-harvest insect pests of maize worldwide. Bioassays were carried out to determine the efficacy of commercially available ... -
Application of two- level full factorial designs and response surface methodology in the optimization of the variables associated with the determination of platinum using inductively coupled plasma –atomic emission spectrometry (ICP – AES)
(2016-04)In the present work, two -level full factorial designs and response surface methodologies were applied in the optimization of variables associated with the determination of platinum using Inductively Coupled Plasma ... -
Impacts of hippodamia variegata (col.: coccinellidae) predation and aphidius colemani (hym.: braconidae) parasitism on myzus persicae nicotianae (hem.: aphididae)
(2016-04)The tobacco aphid (Myzus persicae nicotianae) is a cosmopolitan pest and one of the major pests of tobacco. Due to its damaging potential, particularly as a vector of virus diseases, management of M. persicae nicotianae ... -
Finite element method with quasi-linearization for solving Bratu's problem
(2016-04)This work presented here is the solution of one-dimensional Bratu’s problem. The major aim of this research is to master the techniques used to solve the Bratu problem. The nonlinear Bratu’s problem is first linearised ... -
Modelling the transmission dynamics of Hepatitis C virus among intravenous drug misusers
(2016-04)Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remains a major health problem despite the availability of highly effective antiviral treatment. Several studies suggest that a high proportion (approximately 90%) of new HCV infections ... -
Numerical simulation of the wave (shock profile) propagation of the Kuramoto-Sivanshinky equation using an adaptive mesh method
(2016-04)In this dissertation we solve the Kuramoto-Sivanshinsky equation numerically using an adaptive mesh method. Discretization in time is done using Crank- Nicolson with septic Hermite collocation method applied in space on ... -
Possibilities of water pollution in Cheche and Mtilikwe rivers by stillage from Triangle
(2016-04)The main aim of this project was to perform an investigation on the possible impact of Triangle limited stillage on Cheche and Mtilikwe river water quality. This was done by measuring physico- chemical parameters and ... -
Impact of Lantana Camara invasion on a cattle/wildlife ranch: A case of Imire Ranch, Wedza District, Zimbabwe
(2016-04)The impact of Lantana camara invasion in a mixed game/cattle ranch was assessed at Imire Ranch using remote sensing and ground truthing techniques. Vegetation communities of the ranch were classified and mapped as a way ... -
An investigation of the potential impact of climatic change on maize production in Central Angola
(2016-04)Maize production is sensitive to weather and hence directly affected by climate change that is difficult to be controlled by the farmer, compromising yield and food security, especially for producers located in Huambo and ... -
The use of PCR based community profiling techniques to determine change in community structure and qPCR quantification of potato pathogens in soil under different temperature-moisture conditions over time
(2016-04)Monitoring of pathogens levels in soil is an important tool for disease management and understanding pathogen ecology. Rapid pathogen detection methods that can quantify the pathogen are desired for routine pathogen ... -
An assessment of a vlei ecosystem restoration process: Monavale Vlei, Harare
(2016-04)Vegetation composition and diversity, soil physical and chemical parameters and primary productivity are important components of a wetland ecosystem recovery process. A comparative analysis of key indicators of ecosystem ... -
Effect of excess Sodium (Na) on Barium (Ba), Cobalt (Co) and Cadmium (Cd) emission during ICP-OES: Simulation on the basis of the simplified rate model
(2016-04)The effects of excess Sodium (Na) on Cobalt (Co), Cadmium (Cd) and Barium (Ba) were studied using the inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The emission signals of the analytes with the ... -
Diverse Antigen-specific Antibody and Atopic Responses In Schistosomiasis and Malaria Co-infected Individuals.
(2016-04)The study was part of a huge schistosomiasis survey investigating schistosomiasis in the human model and was conducted in the Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe (31o 30‘E; 17o 45‘S) at Magaya and Chitate schools where ... -
Nutritional composition, antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in selected wild cereal and pseudo-cereal grains found in Zimbabwe
(2016-04)The nutritional composition of five wild and two domesticated cereal grains was determined using standard analytical methods. It was hypothesised that wild cereal and pseudo cereal grains found in Zimbabwe contained macro ... -
In vitro antibacterial activity of selected plant extracts from Zimbabwe
(2016-04)Bacterial infections, if not properly treated, have the potential to become life-threatening in humans. The discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s made it possible for bacterial infections to be easily managed, thus, ... -
Screening for the effects of selected Zimbabwean plant extracts on enzymes and processes involved in pain and inflammation.
(2016-04)Inflammation is a complex process that is mediated by signalling radicals and prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are produced by conversion of arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase (COX) isoenzymes. Selective inhibition of ... -
The response of Zimbabwean sorghum and maize landraces to Striga Asiatica infestation
(2016-04)Sorghum and Maize are important cereals for food security in Zimbabwe. However maize and sorghum production in the smallholder farming sector is being threatened by witch weed, (Striga asiatica ), which has the potential ...