Faculty of Science ETDs: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 257
Chemistry of Phorbol Ester Toxicity: A Computer Modelling Approach
(2020)Phorbol esters are phytochemicals found in the Euphorbiaceae family, as the prime factors of toxicity in those plants. However, their degrees of toxicity vary from one compound to another, despite having closely similar ... -
Genetic analysis of 27 Y-Chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) Loci of the Zimbabwean shona ethnic group
(2021-01)Population genetic data about modern DNA profiles, specifically for Zimbabweans, was almost non-existent aside from that of 55 individuals’ DNA profiles contributed on the YHRD international database, under accession number ... -
Differentiations in post-colonial urban spatial planning in Zimbabwe and Zambia
(2021-01)This study investigates and compares the colonial spatial planning legacies of Zimbabwe and Zambia. It examines how and why the legacies of two countries with a seemingly common colonial background would produce different ... -
In vivo toxicological study of aqueous extracts of Vitex payos fruits
(2020-08)The plant Vitex payos is used in folk medicine to treat several ailments. Despite Vitex payos’, ethno medicinal benefits, very few studies have described the fruits’ potential toxicity. The aim of the present study was to ... -
Frequency of the TP53 Codon 47 and Codon 72 polymorphisms in HIV infected women with histologically confirmed cervical and vulvar pre cancer and invasive cancer reporting at an HIV clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe
(2020-08)Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in Zimbabwean women as well as the leading cause of female cancer deaths. There has been an increase in the cervical cancer incidence of Zimbabwe from 56.2 % reported in 2012 to ... -
A bioinformatics approach to define the Eps-D1 subtelomeric chromosomal deletion in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum).
(2020-08)Flowering time is one of the critical determinants of yields in flowering plants. The flowering time in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) is directly determined by vernalization, photoperiod response and earliness per se ... -
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis in vitro antibacterial efficacy and in silico molecular docking of compounds produced by endophytes isplated from indegenous medical plants.
(2020-08)Native medicinal plants have been traditionally used to treat various bacterial infections, fungal infections, cancers, viral infections and cardiovascular diseases. Endophytic bacteria residing inside the tissues of ... -
Antimicrobial potential of herbal creams based on extracts from Combretum zeyheri
(2021-11)Microbial resistance has become a problem in the treatment of infectious diseases and the use of plant phytochemicals has been a valuable potential source of lead compounds that can be used for sustaining human health. ... -
Viral load comparison between SARS-CoV-2 symptomatic and asymptomatic patients during the course of COVID-19 infection
(2021-07)Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a novel respiratory virus is the etiological factor of COVID-19 disease which started in the Wuhan Province, China in December of 2019. Symptoms include a dry ... -
Determination of lymphocyte and cytokine profiles associated with Coronavirus disease 2019 severity
(2021-07)Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a recently identified virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease is a pandemic. Recurrent waves of infection continue to overwhelm ... -
Use of bacteriophages to control salmonella in crocodiles and optimisation of a light induced expression system for endolysin.
(2021-08)The aims of this study were to isolate bacteriophages from crocodile feeding pen wastewater and to evaluate their effectiveness against clinical Salmonella species, Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae. Also, the ... -
Isolation and identification of polystyrene-degrading bacteria from the gut of Tenebrio molitor based on the nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene
(2021-10)The excessive use of polystyrene as a packaging material has resulted in a rise in environmental pollution. Polystyrene waste has continually increased water pollution, soil pollution and the closing of landfill sites since ... -
Genetic diversity of antimicrobial resistant intestinal E.coli strains isolated from chicken produced in Chanakira village.
(2021-10)Intestinal Pathogenetic E.coli is a class of E.coli strains capable of causing an infection and subsequently disease in the intestines. This class consists of six major strains with some having their own variants, namely: ... -
Promoter single nucleotide polymorphisms in pro-inflammatory cytokine genes in S. haematobium infected and the risk of prostate cancer development
(2021-10)This thesis reports the findings of a thorough study to establish the role of the genetic variations in the pro-inflammatory genes and the risk of developing prostate cancer (PCa) in male individuals residing in a ... -
The Taxonomy, ecology and trematode infections of gastropod snails on the northern shoreline of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2021-08)Freshwater gastropods make up about 75% of all freshwater molluscs in the African continent. Their classification and identification have been largely based on morphological characteristics, with the main focus on shell ... -
Impact of climate change and biotic factors on avifauna diversity and spatial distribution in the mid-Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2021-06)Construction of Lake Kariba on the Zambezi River restructured the biodiversity of the Zambezi Valley. However, studies on how the avian community of Kariba has changed since construction of the lake are scant. This study ... -
Markers of inflammation, morbidity and mechanisms mediating resistance against Schistosoma haematobium infection in preschool age ahildren (Children aged five years and below).
(University of Zimbabwe, 2021-06-09)Schistosomiasis is caused by a blood fluke worm of the genus Schistosoma. Adult worms can live for decades in the human host releasing ova causing inflammatory and obstructive disease in the urinary system. The preschool-age ... -
Comparison of cytokine and immunoglobulin levels in blood between asymptomatic serum sryptococcal antigen positive and negative HIV-positive individuals with CD4 counts <100 cells/ μl. A nested case-control study in Harare.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2021-06-09)Background: Cryptococcosis is still a leading cause of mortality among patients with advanced HIV infection. Although CD4 T-cell deficiency is necessary for HIV-associated cryptococcosis, not all severely immunocompromised ... -
Development and characterization of food products from Parinari curatellifolia (Hacha or Chakata) fruit
(University of Zimbabwe, 2015-11)Parinari curatellifolia fruit is consumed in its raw state or processed into food products in rural areas during periods of food shortage. The purpose of the study was to determine the physico-chemical properties of ... -
Extent, rate of invasion and conditions favouring occupancy and dominance of typha latifolia in selected wetlands of Harare, Zimbabwe.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019)Typha latifolia is a global aggressive invader of wetlands. It is now one of the major threats to wetland ecosystems in Harare. Factors that promote its establishment and dominance are still poorly understood. The present ...