A conceptual framework for senior management motivation in the banking sector in Zimbabwe
This research was conducted to establish the factors that motivate senior management to
exceptionally perform their duties in the banking sector of Zimbabwe. Financial and non-
financial motivation factors potentiate incomparable senior management performances through
high productivity and cost cutting to increase profitability at all costs. The research ascertained
the factors that motivate senior management, established the impact of the motivation factors
and examined statistical differences existing in the factors that influence senior management
of different gender, education level and experience in the banking sector of Zimbabwe. The
study was informed by an explanatory research design. It made use of descriptive quantitative
analyses to process primary data gathered through questionnaires. The current study that sought
to come up with a conceptual framework for senior management motivation in the banking
sector in Zimbabwe major research question was answered. The study results show the factors
affecting senior management motivation, the percentage of variance explained, the reliability
statistics, the standardized beta coefficients and the ranking provided. To this end, this current
study concluded that working conditions, is generally the most powerful factor in predicting
senior managers motivation in the Zimbabwean banks (β=0.749; p<0.05) followed by growth
(β=0.380; p<0.05), then training or advancement (β=0.308; p<0.05), then responsibility
(β=0.059; p<0.05) and then recognition with (β=0.051; p<0.05) and lastly performance
appraisal with (β=0.003; p<0.05). It was recommended that the banks must appreciate and
recognise the efforts of senior managers. The senior managers must receive competitive
salaries and good remuneration packages. Moreover, the banks must recognise good work and
appreciate hard work through cash or incentives to improve motivation of the senior managers
and this in turn will result in improved performance. Continuous training and development
exercises must be carried out by the banks to enhance capabilities of senior managers. Thus
most of the managers are eager to participate in team building exercises. Team work enhances
the senior managers individual work bargain and success. On the other hand the banks must be
able offer family programs at regular intervals as a gesture to show the value of a family support
system. Study grants and education leave to scale up qualifications of the senior managers must
also be offered by the banks.