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dc.contributor.authorNcube, Abigail
dc.identifier.citationNcube, A. (2018). Cybercrime as a threat to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) maintenance of peace and security: The case of Zimbabwe (2016- 2018). (Unpublished masters thesis). University of Zimbabwe.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on the roles both SADC and Zimbabwe play in curbing cybercrime and ensuring cyber security within the SADC region and in Zimbabwe specifically. Emphasis is placed on the importance of Cyber security in the maintenance of peace and security within SADC as it can be used to dethrone regimes thus causing instability within the region. Emphasis is given to Zimbabwe which is the case study for this research as it is seen to be trailing behind in issues of cyber security. The study also gives a background to cyber-crime, its evolution and the types of cyber-crime that are prevalent in SADC and Zimbabwe too. In ascertaining the role played by cyber-crime, this study made use of the qualitative research methods with particular emphasis on in depth interviews and documentary research. Using the above mentioned methods this study established that cyber-crime is an area that is not being accorded much attention by the Zimbabwean Government although there are efforts now to try and catch up with the rest of the world in ensuring cyber security. This is evidenced by the draft Bills that Parliament will soon be pass into law. The relevant Ministries are teaming up and coming up with a work-plan to be used in curbing cyber-crime in the country. It is important to note the expenses associated with cyber security, the equipment needed for the security arm to be fully functional is quiet pricey thus forwarding a challenge for the Zimbabwean Government which is already operating on a very slim budget. It was therefore recommended that the Zimbabwean Government prioritize cyber security as cyber-crime poses threats not only to individuals but to the Government as well. This study suggests that the budget for the Ministry of ICT and Cyber security be increased to cater for these activities.en_ZW
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabween_ZW
dc.subjectPeace and securityen_ZW
dc.subjectCyber securityen_ZW
dc.titleCybercrime as a threat to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) maintenance of peace and security: The case of Zimbabwe (2016- 2018).en_ZW
dc.typeThesisen_ZW of Social Studies of Zimbabwe

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