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dc.contributor.authorChirisa, Innocent
dc.contributor.authorC h i v e n g e, M a r c y l in e
dc.identifier.citationC h i r i s a, I. and M a r c y l in e, C., 2019. The ‘Concept Urban Resilience’: Contextualising to Zimbabwe. Journal of Urban Systems and Innovations for Resilience in Zimbabwe, 1(1&2), pp.2-19.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractThis paper is an attempt to systematically conceptualise urban resilience with an intent to decipher how the meaning(s) apply to the Zimbabwean context. The paper draws from a gap that exists in literature regarding urban resilience and spatiality, in general, and with particular reference to Zimbabwe. Methodologically, the paper hinges on thematic and content analysis. Urban resilience proves to be the main tool in safeguarding development in urban areas where there is a greater concentration of people. This rapid urbanisation escalates the pressure on critical services and infrastructure in cities, which also increases their exposure to shocks and long-term stresses. While shocks and stresses are sometimes unavoidable, urban resilience thinking demands that cities be planned holistically so that they are prepared for any vulnerabilities. To deal with challenges facing urban areas, governments and policy-makers, should have the responsibility of building city resilience, and operationalise the resilience-building process.en_ZW
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabween_ZW
dc.subjectUrban resilienceen_ZW
dc.subjectUrban policyen_ZW
dc.subjectUrban managementen_ZW
dc.subjectResilience and spatialityen_ZW
dc.subjectResilience building processen_ZW
dc.titleThe ‘Concept Urban Resilience’: Contextualising to Zimbabween_ZW

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