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dc.contributor.authorMudzudzu, Hamilton
dc.identifier.citationMudzudzu, H. (2011). An analysis of factors constraining growth for Artisanal and Small Scale Miners (ASMs) in the Gold Mining Sector in Zimbabwe: A case of Kadoma-Chakari Gold Miners. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Zimbabwe.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research is about factors constraining growth of Artisanal and Small Scale Miners (ASMs) in the gold mining sector in Zimbabwe. ASMs are miners who employ manual, low technology mining, which is conducted on a small scale. In Zimbabwe the decline in formal employment and an increase in unemployment for the past ten years have led to an increase in people joining the Artisanal and Small Scale mining sector. The Zimbabwean government and support institutions such as SEDCO, MILF and others are making efforts to support the growth of the sector. However, despite all these efforts and initiatives, there has been an insignificant corresponding growth of ASMs in terms of investment and size. It is against this background that this study was carried out to examine the factors constraining the growth of ASMs in the gold mining sector in Zimbabwe with particular reference to Kadoma-Chakari Mining Area. This study reviews theoretical and empirical literature on ASMs growth constrains, growth models, growth strategies and main determent factors for growth of ASMs. Government and institutional support literature on ASMs was also considered in this study. This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research used random sampling focusing on owner/managers. Primary data was collected using structured interviews. The choice of the structured interviews was due to its advantages of high response rate, observation of non verbal communication and making inferences. The results show that the main factors constraining the growth of ASMs in Kadoma-Chakari mining area are limited access to finance, limited access to infrastructure, competition, limited access to markets, HIV/AIDS and lack of access to appropriate technology. It was concluded that ASMs in Kadoma-Chakari mining area grew through tributer arrangements, joint ventures, cooperatives and niche strategies. For the ASMs to grow, the research results show that the resources of the miners and the external environment of the mines are the major determinants of the growth of the mines It is recommended that funding should be availed to ASMs, government to introduce policies that support ASMs growth, ASMs to form joint ventures with technical partners and benefit from their experience and technical expertise. Further research should be carried out to investigate the economic and productivity effects of training and developing ASMs in the gold mining sector in Zimbabwe.en_US
dc.subjectGold miningen_US
dc.subjectMining industryen_US
dc.titleAn analysis of factors constraining growth for Artisanal and Small Scale Miners (ASMs) in the Gold Mining Sector in Zimbabwe: A case of Kadoma-Chakari Gold Minersen_US
dc.contributor.registrationnumberR067657Hen_US, Nyasha School of Managementen_US of Commerceen_US of Zimbabween_US of Business Administrationen_US

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