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dc.contributor.authorChikwenjere, Memory
dc.identifier.citationChikwenjere, M. (2018).Drivers of agricultural productivity in communal irrigation schemes in Zimbabwe: A case study of incomes generated by female farmers in Nyanyadzi irrigation scheme, Manicaland province. [Unpublished masters thesis].University of Zimbabwe.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated socio-economic factors that affect women’s agricultural productivity and subsequent income in such schemes in Zimbabwe. The research used a Mixed Method Research Methodology to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Research methods included sampling, questionnaires, interviews and observations by the participants and nonparticipants. A linear regression model was used to analyses quantitative data. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse qualitative data. The results show that women productivity in agriculture is positively influenced by marital status, size of land in hectares, level of education and land ownership at 5% level of significance, while age, access to markets and access to credit negatively influence women productivity. The results from the study show that age, level of education, land rental and markets play a pivotal role in agricultural production under the communal irrigation system. The government should put in place proper regulatory framework to ensure proper land tenure systems. Government should have policies to strengthen infrastructural development so as to enhance well-functioning agricultural markets, availability of credit and extension services in the countryen_ZW
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabween_ZW
dc.subjectWomen and agricultureen_ZW
dc.subjectComunnal irrigation schemesen_ZW
dc.subjectFemale Farmers Zimbabween_ZW
dc.subjectPoverty Alleviationen_ZW
dc.titleDrivers of agricultural productivity in communal irrigation schemes in Zimbabwe: A case study of incomes generated by female farmers in Nyanyadzi irrigation scheme, Manicaland province.en_ZW
dc.typeThesisen_ZW of Social Studies of Zimbabwe

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