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dc.contributor.authorMakova, T
dc.contributor.authorKadira, G
dc.contributor.authorMuhoyi, E
dc.contributor.authorNdedzu, D
dc.contributor.authorMukura, T
dc.identifier.citationMakova, T., Kadira, G., Muhoyi, E., Makura, T. and Ndedzu, D. (2014). Impact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe (1980-2010). University of Zimbabwe Business Review, 2 (1), 16-19.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study empirically examined the impact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe for the period 1980 -2010, using the ordinary least squares (OLS) technique. In the estimated model, current and one period lagged capital flight variables were found to be insignificant. However two-period lagged capital flight reported a negative and significant impact on economic growth. The findings also indicate that while gross domestic investment positively affect economic growth, the occurrence of droughts has got a negative effect. Therefore economic growth in Zimbabwe can be sustained through the adoption of policies that lessen the impact of capital flight. These include drought mitigation measures and tax incentives that promote gross domestic investment.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe Faculty of Commerceen_US
dc.subjectcapital flighten_US
dc.subjecteconomic growthen_US
dc.subjectgrowth domestic investmenten_US
dc.subjectordinary least squaresen_US
dc.titleImpact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe (1980-2010)en_US

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