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dc.contributor.authorBhagat, K.
dc.contributor.authorIbrahim, H.
dc.contributor.authorNaik, K.
dc.identifier.citationBhagat, K., Ibrahim, H., & Naik, K. (1999). Not everything acid-fast is Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A case of Nocardia. Central African Journal of Medicine, 45 (8), 217-219.en_US
dc.description.abstractWe report a case of a 47 year old woman who presented with a history of motor convulsions and a three month history of an increasingly painful and progressively enlarging mass on the right side of her back. Neurological examination revealed generalised wasting and a right sided hemiplegia. A biopsy of the mass was taken for microbiology which reported growing branching gram positive rods after three days of incubation. A mycological diagnosis of Nocardia asteroides was made. An MRI scan revealed extensive infiltration of the fungal mass into extending from the base of the skull to fifth cervical vertebra.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectNocardial infectionsen_US
dc.subjectMycobacterium tuberculosisen_US
dc.subjectMotor convulsionen_US
dc.titleNot everything acid-fast is Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A case of Nocardiaen_US

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