Evaluation of soil fertility benefits of hairy vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth) in smallholder maize based cropping systems of Central Zimbabwe
There is soil fertility decline in maize (Zea mays L.)-based smallholder farming areas as a
result of insufficient or lack of application of soil ameliorants. While some options can be
employed such as manuring, cover cropping, intercropping and planting leguminous
trees, these are often limited in terms of adaptability to very poor infertile soils and ability
to give high returns on investment to encourage farmer adoption. This study sought to
evaluate the potential soil fertility and maize yield benefits of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa
L.) when used in rotation or intercropped with maize. Field experiments on maize-legume
rotations and relay intercropping were conducted from the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012
cropping seasons in Wedza and Chihota communal areas, and on-station at the
Grasslands Research Station in Marondera. Greenhouse and field experiments were also
setup during the 2011/2012 season to evaluate the effect of soil acidity and Rhizobium
leguminosarum strain on growth and N2 fixation of hairy vetch. Results from the maizelegume
rotation experiment showed that when legumes were basal fertilized with 300 kg
ha -1 NPK fertilizer (7N : 14 P2O5 : 7 K2O), sunnhemp produced the highest aboveground
biomass (7.7 t ha -1) followed by cowpea (5.9 t ha -1) and hairy vetch (2.5 t ha -1)
during the first season (2009/2010). Sunnhemp also fixed more N2 (161.5 kg N ha -1) than
cowpea (84.7 kg N ha -1) and hairy vetch (25 kg N ha -1). There were no significant
differences (P > 0.05) in maize grain yield between basal fertilized maize that followed
basal fertilised legumes and maize that was fertilised with ammonium nitrate (34.5% N)
and NPK fertiliser. When relay intercropped and provided with 300 kg ha -1 NPK,
sunnhemp was also superior in improving maize grain yields by at least 50% compared to
the control. Leaching tube incubations revealed that residues of hairy vetch, cowpea and
sunnhemp mineralized about 18% more N than when they were mixed with maize
residues. They were however, no significant differences in net N mineralized between the
sole legumes residues for the 56 day incubation period. The liming and inoculation
experiment revealed that there were no significant differences in biomass production of
hairy vetch between limed and unlimed (acidic) soil, implying that soil acidity (pH 4.7)
was not a significant problem to hairy vetch. The R. leguminosarum strain had a
significant effect on biomass production and when hairy vetch was inoculated with the
strain MAR833 it fixed up to 66.5 kg N ha -1. Inoculating hairy vetch with the strain
MAR833 improved its biomass production to 3.1 t ha -1 compared to the control (0.37 t
ha -1). In low soil fertility conditions coupled with erratic rainfall distribution it might be
worthwhile to include sunnhemp in maize cropping systems as compared to cowpea and
hairy vetch. However the potential of hairy vetch still needs to be assessed with new
inoculant strains and more multi-location experiments should be done to identify a strain
that can further boost its biomass production.