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  • Carcinoma of the Thyroid at Harare Histopathology Laboratory (Zimbabwe) 

    Nkanza, N. K. (University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences, 1990)
    The carcinoma of the thyroid gland seen at Harare Histopathology Laboratory (Zimbabwe) has been reviewed and analysed. There was a male to female ratio of 1:4. The commonest histological type of tumour was follicular ...
  • Bilharzioma of the fallopian tube: A case report 

    Makunike-Mutasa, R.; Phiri, K. (University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences, 2015)
    Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia is an infection caused by trematode flatworms of any species of the genus Schistosoma. At least 261 million people in 74 countries are infected, and of these, 90% are in Sub- Saharan ...