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dc.contributor.authorChipako, Isaac
dc.description.abstractMoringa oleifera Lam is a medicinal plant used in the management of various ailments in many countries. Despite being used widely, the rate and extent of absorption of these compounds from the ingested Moringa leaf powder is unknown. As a result there is no a standard dosing regimen for Moringa oleifera Lam leaf powder. There is also potential for herb-drug interactions if Moringa is taken concomitantly with conventional medicines. Aim. The aim of the study was to estimate the absorption profile of Moringa oleifera Lam leaf extract after oral dosing using ascorbic acid as a bio-marker. Methods: Extract preparation. Harvested Moringa oleifera Lam leaves were dried under shade and kept away from direct sun light before being ground into powder and macerated with a water and methanol mixture followed by drying. Experimental animals. Six male rabbits of about 6 months were used. Feeding and blood sample collection. The rabbits were fasted overnight preceding dosing. Three rabbits receiveda weighed amount of the Moringa oleifera Lam extract at a dose of 300mg/kg body weight. Three rabbits received de-ionised water only, and were used to obtain control plasma. Blood samples were collected at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 hrs after dosing. Plasma was taken and assayed by uv/visible spectrophotometry. Results. The Moringa extract percentage yield was 16%. The content of vitamin C in the extract was 1.371g per 100g of extract. The average bioavailability was 33%.The average Cmax was 0.91mg/ml.This occurred at an average Tmax of 1.04 hours. The average time to reach plasma was 0.37 hours. Conclusion. Moringa oleifera Lam is a good source of vitamin C. Usingthe absorption profile of the vitamin C it was estimated that Moringa compounds may reach the systemic circulation after37.33 minutes and reaches maximum concentration in plasma after about one hour following oral ingestion. It was also estimated that by the end of eight hours following oral ingestion all the accessible vitamin C in Moringa will have been absorbed.en_US
dc.subjectMedicinal Plantsen_US
dc.subjectMoringa Oleifera Lamen_US
dc.titleAssessment of the absorption profile of ascorbic acid as a biomarker for moringa oleifera lam absorption after a bolus oral doseen_US, T. G. Pharmacologyen_US of Medicineen_US of Zimbabween_US Of Science Degree in Clinical Pharmacologyen_US

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