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dc.creatorMahachi, Moven
dc.identifierMahachi, M. (1982) Determination of land policy in Zimbabwe. Report on the inaugural seminar of the Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, Special Paper Series: Issue no. 1, (pp. 8-23). UZ, Mt. Pleasant, Harare: ZIDS.
dc.description.abstractThis paper which focuses on the determinants of land policy will consist of two sections. The first section will attempt to desribe the background or context in which Zimbabwe’s land policy has evolved since independence in 1980. It will try to show that the formulation of a land policy1 has been more of a process rather than a political event. The ensuing policy has been a result of the interplay of several factors, such as the inherited natural resources, opposed political class interests and economic imperatives. It will be shown that, in trying to meet its political and economic objectives, the Government has had to grapple with several existing constraints, some of which were inherited as part of the previous socio-economic system, while others such as shortage of suitable agricultural land, climate and population were more or less naturally given. The evolving policy can, therefore, be regarded as a pragmatic and reconciliatory attempt to resolve contradictions and conflict in a transition of continuing social and economic struggle. The second section is a brief outline of the actual policy as it has evolved so far in Zimbabwe.
dc.publisherInstitute of Development Studies, Zimbabwe (ZIDS. )
dc.relationZIDS Special Paper Series.;Issue No. 1.
dc.rightsUniversity of Zimbabwe (UZ)
dc.subjectDevelopment Policy
dc.titleDetermination of land policy in Zimbabwe
dc.typeConference paper
dc.typeSeries paper (non-IDS)

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