Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • An analysis of tourism contribution to economic growth in SADC countries 

      Makochekanwa, Albert (Botswana Economics Association, 2013-06)
      The study how the tourism sector can be an engine of economic growth in SADC member countries. The paper found the contribution of tourism to GDP, employment, export receipts and investment is significant. Although this ...
    • Examining the long run relationship between import structure and economic growth in Zimbabwe 

      Pindiriri, Carren; Makochekanwa, Albert; Ndudzo, Solomon (University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Commerce, 2014)
      The article applies a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to examine the long run relationship between Zimbabwe's import structure and economic growth. The research findings indicate the presence of cointegration between ...
    • Impact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe (1980-2010) 

      Makova, T.; Kadira, G.; Muhoyi, E.; Mukura, T.; Ndedzu, D. (University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Commerce, 2014-06)
      The study empirically examined the impact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe for the period 1980 to 2010, using the ordinary least squares (OLS) technique. In the estimated model, current and one-period lagged ...