Now showing items 61-80 of 1048

    • What does “people-driven constitutional reform” mean? 

      Qwisai, Munyaradzi (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2009)
      A massive debate has emerged in Zimbabwe over the nature of the process of constitutional reform. Virtually all players, from the political parties under the GPA, to civic society as represented in the Zimbabwe People's ...
    • Lymphoproliferative malignancies in association with endemic African Kaposi’s Sarcoma 

      Stein, M.E.; Spencer, D.; Ruff, P. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-07)
      The association of classical Kaposi’s sarcoma with lymphoproliferative disorders is well known. However, far less is known about lymphoproliferative malignancies in endemic African Kaposi’s sarcoma. A review of 47 patients ...
    • Women, land and the constitution 

      Stewart, Julie. E. (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1998)
      In addressing the issue of Women, Land and the Constitution, the discussion shall be broken down into three main components. Firstly, the problems that women experience with access to all forms of resources, but especially ...
    • Devaluation: notes on the position in Rhodesia and neighbouring countries 

      Handford, J.F. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1967-12)
      It is interesting to recall the different circumstances surrounding the successive devaluations of the pound sterling. In 1931 the severe unemployment brought on by the great depression was reason enough for the 30 per ...
    • Neoplasms involving the spinal cord in Zimbabweans: an analysis of 262 cases 

      Garrido, P.I.; Laher-Mooncey, S.; Murphree, N.L.; Jonker, N.; Levy, L.F.; Makarawo, S. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-08)
      A review of 262 histologically verified spinal cord tumors in Black Zimbabweans who were operated on in Harare Central and Parirenyatwa Hospitals, Harare, Zimbabwe during the period 1st January 1972 to 31st December 1991 ...
    • Constitutional reform in Zimbabwe: history and way forward 

      Gwisai, Munyaradzi (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2009)
      Zimbabwe is in the middle of a decade old but climaxing unprecedented and multi-faceted economic and political crisis. The crisis is on the one hand, political, that is the autocratic rule and crisis of legitimacy of the ...
    • Plasma cholesterol distribution in a rural Nigerian population - relationship to age, sex and body mass 

      Erasmus, R.T.; Uyot, C.; Pakeye, T. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-11)
      Several reports indicate the close relationship between high plasma cholesterol levels with the occurrence of atherosclerosis.1,2 The prevalence of atherosclerosis has been reported to be much higher in Caucasians than in ...
    • Manpower requirements and existing vacancies: a note on the Central Statistical Office survey 

      Harris, P.S. (Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
      The labour market in Rhodesia may be divided, both on a practical and a legal level, into skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled segments. Employment and training policies will, moreover, be directly influenced by the ...
    • Fundamental Socio-Economic Rights under International, Regional and Zimbabwean Laws and Norms: “Know your Social Economic Rights” 

      Kanyenze, Godfrey (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2009)
      l want to thank you very much for inviting me to give a talk on social and economic rights and constitutional reform. We from LEDRIZ very much identify with the theme I have heard being constantly referred to here of- ...
    • Paediatric treatment costs and the HIV epidemic 

      Nelson, E.A.S; Weikert, M.; Phillips, J.A. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1995-05)
      As the AIDS epidemic puts additional strains on the already overburdened health care systems in sub-Saharan Africa, it becomes more important to estimate the cost of the epidemic in terms of health personnel and drug ...
    • Regression and Inertia in the the Rhodesian Fiscal Structure— a Comment on the 1972 Budget 

      Harris, P. S. (Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
      It is my intention in this paper to comment on the structure of the budget and on Rhodesian fiscal policy in the light of this budgetary structure. I have two basic observations to make. The first is that the 1972 budget ...
    • The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the Rand 

      Muzorewa, B.C. (Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
      At the present moment, the Rand Currency area (composed of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa) is under serious review by its members. The fact that the present arrangements are being re-examined suggests that ...
    • Jurisdiction of the Labour Court and Superior Courts: Chikara kununa kudya chimwe... Judicial Subversion Under the Cloak of Legality — Part 2. 

      Gwisai, Munyaradzi (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2004)
      It is befitting that we should inaugrate the Kempton Makamure Labour Law Lecture Series with a discussion on the jurisprudence and jurisdiction of the Labour Court and High Court in labour disputes. The key question ...
    • Problems of family planning amongst Africans in Rhodesia 

      Clarke, D.G. (Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
      Amongst current development problems facing Rhodesia that of a high rate of population growth must be regarded as one of the most fundamental in its effects on the immediate short-term and long-term economic and social ...
    • Acute poisoning in a paediatric intensive care unit in Harare 

      Chitsike, I. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-11)
      Forty two cases of acute poisoning were studied retrospectively over a two year period (1990 to 1991, inclusive) in the paediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU), at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare. This formed 8,6 pc of the ...
    • The defence, enforcement and funding of socio-economic, labour and gender rights 

      Simbi, Oscar (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2009)
      It is all good and fine to proclaim rights of the poor and working people in a constitution, but whether they are realized in practice is another thing. Over and above the proclamation of rights any constitution that is ...
    • A preliminary investigation into psychological disorders in Mozambican refugees: prevalence and clinical features 

      Reeler, A.P. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-11)
      Psychological disorders are common in refugee samples, with several studies showing high rates of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The present study examined the prevalence and factors associated with psychological disorders ...
    • Setting the cat amongst the pigeons: jurisdiction of the Labour Court under the new Labour Act 

      Biti, Tendai (Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2004)
      It was a great honour for me, to be invited, to give the inaugural lecture for the Kempton Makamure Labour Law Lecture Series. There is no doubt that the late Kempton Makamure touched in an irreversible manner, all those ...
    • Is the protection afforded measles vaccines the same in children of all age groups? 

      Ruwodo, C; Mudyarabikwa, O .; Matchaba-Hove, R .; Mason, E. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1995-05)
      A prospective study was carried out in the City of Gweru in 1988 toexamine the relationship between age and protection afforded measles vaccinees by the measles vaccine. The age group 10 months to nine years accounted for ...
    • Trends in African education 

      Hirsch, M. I. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1967-12)