dc.description.abstract | This work first looked at the evolution and power of natural law ethics
and retributive justice in regulating human behaviour in contemporary
society in general and in Korekore-Nyombwe culture in particular. This
background was necessary for purposes of positioning the argument that
retributive justice when applied to capital cases is a violation of natural
law ethics and is alien to Shona culture. The death penalty was criticised
in this work on the grounds that it has a retributive rather than a
restorative function as upheld by the Shona/Korekore people. It was
argued in this work that ngozi underlies the notion of ethics and
supernatural ethics as hunhuism’s practice of restorative justice may be
guided by ngozi. The work also looked at the convergence of criminal
(human) law with natural law particularly regarding capital punishment,
and it established that human laws have their origin and justification
from natural law ethics, considered by this work to be the highest law in
the universe. The common good thesis was invoked to try to reconcile
both the retributive and restorative notions of justice, but in the final
analysis it was established that restorative justice is more relevant and
appealing to the Shona/Korekore society than is retributive justice; this
is one reason to move towards repudiating the death sentence in
Shona/Korekore society.
Qualitative research was used to collect data in this work and this
included the use of textbooks, journals, oral interviews and the internet.
Data were also collected from seminar papers and presentations. In
short, the work utilised interdisciplinary methods that integrated the
philosophical and sociological approaches as expected at this level. It is
hoped that three things will be accomplished by the findings of this
work. First, the thesis will add currency to the growing calls for the
abolition of the death penalty in Zimbabwe. Second, the thesis will
show that abolitionist arguments can be much stronger and valid if
supported by a theory such as natural law. An appeal can be made to
natural law theories and the restorative justice argument when it comes
to the moral implications of the death penalty in Zimbabwe’s Shona
societies. This will offer a new and refreshing look at the morality of the
death penalty in Zimbabwe. Third, the work will show that not only
politicians and traditional leaders can participate in the death-penalty
debates in Zimbabwe. Instead, there is need to engage all stakeholders
that also include civic groups, academics, the church and ethicists. | en_US |