Browsing Faculty of Science e-Theses Collection by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 257
The Interaction of Antiparasitic Drugs with the Drug-metabolising Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and Characterisation of a CYP Variant Unique to African Populations.
(2012-07-11)The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily of enzymes is now known to be an important determinant of the outcome of drug therapy. Consequently, drug-CYP interaction studies that have led to an improvement in production of safer ... -
(2012-07-11)Treatment of aqueous extracts of the fruit of C. abyssinica, containing 0.25% sodium chloride with three volumes of ethanol produced an acidic polysaccharide with a 2% yield, on a fresh weight basis. With a protein content ... -
In Vitro interactionsof plant phenolic compounds and antiparasitic drugs with drug metabolising enzymes and transporters
(2012-07-11)Drug metabolising enzymes and transporters play a critical role in the pharmacokinetics and hence, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of compounds and medicines. The objective of this thesis was to ... -
A Study of the Helminth Parasite of Fish and Fish-eating Birds in the Manyame Catchment, Zimbabwe.
(2012-07-11)This study was done to determine the major helminth parasites of the sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, the straightfin barb, Barbus paludinosus and four species of piscivorous birds: Phalacrocorax africanus (Reed ... -
(2012-08-02)The effects of excess Na and K on K and Mg atom line emission during air-acetylene flame atomic spectrometry (FAES), and of excess Li and K on Ca, Mg and Sr atom and ion lines in the inductively coupled plasma (ICP), were ... -
Structural Geology of the Umkondo Group in Eastern Zimbabwe and Geochronology of Associated Mafic Rocks and Possible Correlatives in Zimbabwe.
(2012-08-16)Metasedimentary rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Umkondo group in eastern Zimbabwe record the presence of an epicontinental basin situated near the eastern margin of the Kalahari craton. The Umkondo group is subdivided into ... -
An Assessment of the Contribution of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) to the Manufacturing Sector in Small Urban Centres of Zimbabwe: A Case Study of SMEs in Bindura Town.
(2012-08-16)This study was aimed at assessing the contribution of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) to the manufacturing sector in Bindura Town. The survey was carried out in three industrial sites, Chipadze Industrial Area, ... -
The Emigration Potential of Skilled Zimbabweans: Perceptions, Current Migration Patterns, Trends and Policy Responses.
(2012-08-16)The movement of skilled professionals from developing countries like Zimbabwe to industrialised countries is taking place at an alarming rate, and there is little evidence that these flows will decrease in the near ... -
Solid Waste Disposal in Victoria Falls Town: Spatial Dynamics, Environmental Impacts, Health Threats and Socio-economic Benefits.
(2012-08-16)The sanitary disposal of solid wastes constitutes one of the most pressing challenges facing urban authorities in Zimbabwe. In recent years, there has been considerable increase in illegal waste dumping, which indicates ... -
The Effectiveness of the Major Environmental Management Programmes at Trojan Nickel Mine and Bindura Smelter and Refinery, Bindura.
(2012-08-16)Mining discharges toxic pollutants, fumes and dust into the environment that endanger human as well as faunal, floral and aquatic life. Some mining companies including Bindura Nickel Corporation (BNC) developed environmental ... -
Wildlife Conflict Management Between Imire Safari Ranch and its Surrounding Community in Hwedza District.
(2012-08-16)This study focused on a conflict over wildlife resources between Imire Safari Ranch and the surrounding community that has been resettled on former large scale commercial farms in Watershed East Ward of Hwedza District ... -
The Socio-Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on Communal Agriculture in Kandeya and Chundu Wards of Mt Darwin and Hurungwe Districts
(2012-08-16)The Human Immunodeficiency Virus /Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic is one of the greatest challenges currently facing Zimbabwe. With a national adult prevalence rate of 24.6%, no crisis in the history ... -
The Impact of Sewage Effluent and Natural Self-purification in the Upper Chinyika River Below Hatcliffe Sewage Works, Harare.
(2012-08-28)The impact of sewage effluent and natural self-purification in the upper Chinyika River was investigated during the period October 2004 to February 2005. The physico-chemical and river flow variables, and water samples, ... -
Identification and differentiation of Fusarium species using selected molecular methods
(2012-08-28)The taxonomy of Fusarium at the species level is based on morphological characteristics which include hyphae, conidia and microconidia. These features require expertise in taxonomy for an accurate and reliable diagnosis ... -
Characterisation of Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) and evaluation of pathogen derived resistance to the virus.
(2012-08-28)Cowpea is a major source of dietary protein in most African traditional diets, and the crop partially replenishes the soil nitrogen content as a result of its association with nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium spp, and is used as ... -
Management of Eutrophication in Small Dams with Both Urban and Rural Catchments in Zimbabwe: a Case Study of Rufaro Dam, Marondera, Zimbabwe.
(2012-08-28)An investigation was carried out on the limnological status and the nutrient loadings of Rufaro Dam, in Marondera. The limnological parameters of the water in the dam and the inflows that were measured were conductivity, ... -
Analysis of continuous longitudinal data with non-ignorable data.
(2012-08-28)Missing responses are very common in longitudinal data. Much research has been going on, on ways to go around this complication in analysing such a data set. The approaches range from simple remedies like: analysing complete ... -
An Assessment Of The Impact Of Industrial Effluent From A Kwekwe-Based Iron And Steel Company On Kwekwe River Water Quality
(2012-08-28)The water quality of Kwekwe River, upstream and downstream of the industrial effluent discharge point was examined with the view of determining the effect of the effluent on water quality. Five sampling sites, each 20m ... -
The Macroinvertebrate Communities Of Two Upland Streams In Eastern Zimbabwe With Reference To The Impact Of Forestry
(2012-08-28)Benthic macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical parameters of the water were examined from two fast flowing streams, the Nyahode River which drains a pine monoculture catchment and the Haruni River which drains an undisturbed ... -
Isolation and Characterisation of a Bacteria with Cellulase Activity from Local Hot Springs.
(2012-08-28)A sporulating, aerobic Bacillus subtilis sp. was isolated from the Chimanimani hot spring in Zimbabwe. The microorganism was characterised using classical identification tools and molecular techniques. The microbial strain ...