Faculty of Science ETDs: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 257
Design of nickel cathode sampling in the manufacture of nickel by the Outokumpu process
(2016-04)Industrial cathodes have the potential of being extremely nonuniform in impurity content. Obtaining a representative sample is essential in evaluating specifications compliance in industrial cathodes which determine its ... -
Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold in ores and concentrates using iridium and ruthenium as co-collectors by fire assay
(2016-04)Determination of platinum group metals (PGMs) and gold also known as precious metals is always a very difficult task, this is due to their availability in trace amounts in sample types of complex composition. Little research ... -
Preliminary studies on the winter season abundance and fitness of tephritid fruit flies in the Harare area, Zimbabwe
(2016-04)Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are among the major constraints in commercial fruit production in many developing African countries. Due to their economic importance, knowledge of the tephritid fruit fly spectrum ... -
Land use/ land cover changes and stakeholders: Investigating sustainable natural resources management options for an a1 farm a case study of Essexdale farm in Marondera district, Zimbabwe
(2016-04)The tracking of the land use/land cover changes that took place in Essexdale Farm (a communal resettlement area in Marondera District of Zimbabwe) from the period 1985 to 2012 was conducted using the two methods: the ... -
HPLC determination of atrazine in water and sediment samples after liquid-liquid and solid phase extraction: A comparative study.
(2016)Atrazine is a selective herbicide for control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in corn, sorghum and sugarcane. The extraction efficiency was studied using distilled water, river water and sediment samples. A two-step procedure ... -
Characterisation of oil extracted from parinari curatellifolia (hacha) nuts
(2016-04)Several oils have been characterised by many researchers as a way of unravelling their usefulness. Chinweubwa Arinze Jude, 2013 extracted oil from ground Nicotiana tabacum seeds by soxhlet.The percentage oil content was ... -
Bounds on distance-based graph parameters
(2016-04)In this thesis, we deal with bounds on distance measures, namely, degree distance, radius, diameter and the leaf number, in terms of other graph parameters, such as order and the three classical connectivity measures, ... -
Trends in spatial distribution of alien woody species and primary production on invaded sites in Nyanga National Park, Zimbabwe
(2016-04)The study sought to establish trends in spatial distribution of the invasive plants, Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) and Pinus spp (pines) and assess their impact on primary production in Nyanga National Park, Zimbabwe, ... -
An evaluation of the vulnerability of Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe (UMP) district of Zimbabwe to agrometeorological hazards and extreme events for improved farmer resilience
(2016-04)Increased climate variability due to climate change has always results in the occurrence of varied meteorological hazards world-wide. These hazards and extreme events have the potential to decimate completely a people’s ... -
Fluids and gold mineralisation in the late Archaean Harare Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe
(2015-08-25)The study of selected gold deposits (i.e. Venus, Gladstone, Ceylon, Mashona Kop, Graham Nigel, Chigimira and Viking) in the late Archaean Harare Greenstone Belt (IIGB) has revealed the presence of more than one fluid ... -
Impact of elephants (LOXONDONTA AFRICANA L.) on baobab trees (ADANSONIA DIGITATA L.) in Man Pools National Park Zambezi Valley Region
(2013)An assessment was made on elephant impact on a baobab population in Mana Pools National Park. Study sites were selected on the basis of their distance from the Zambezi River, a major source of perennial water in the park. ... -
Modelling the spatial pattern of forest fires using NDVI and land surface temperature in Southern African landscapes
(2014-10-07)In this study we used maxent to test whether; and for which month of the growing season SPOT derived normalized difference vegetation index (SPOT NDVI) data can be used to predict fire occurrence in August, September and ... -
Spatial modelling of water pipe bursts in Harare, Zimbabwe
(2014-10-07)Water is a scarce commodity whose availability and utilisation requires diligent planning, distribution and management to ensure its proper use and protection in the interest of humankind and other ecological balances. ... -
Variations in groundwater quality in protected and unprotected water sources of Murehwa district
(2014-10-07)Target 7C of the Millennium Development Goals is aimed at halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015 (UNDP, 2002). Therefore, implementation of water ... -
Spatial distribution of elephants (LOXODONTA AFRICANA) in Hwange Mining Concession area
(2014-10-07)In this study we tested whether and how environmental factors such as distance from water points inside mine dumps, distance from water points outside mine dumps, distance away from settlements, distance away from ... -
Remote sensing of waterhole distribution and its impact on wildlife and livestock interactions across a gradient of land use in a Southern African savanna
(2014-10-07)Arid and semi-arid ecosystems are water limited ecosystems. Thus, understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics in water availability is critical. In this study, we tested whether and to what extent we can use remotely ... -
Modelling spatial variations in wood volume and forest carbon stocks in dry forests of Southern Africa using remotely sensed data
(2014-10-07)The estimation of forest carbon is important to generate knowledge on the extent to which forests contribute to climate change mitigation. Several studies on the estimation of forest carbon stocks have mainly focused on ... -
Modelling of the response of sable antelope (Hippotragus niger niger) to trophy hunting: A GIS and remote sensing approach
(2014-10-07)The main objective of this study was to test the impact of hunting on sable (Hippotragus niger niger) habitat selection using a combination of satellite remotely sensed data and GIS based spatial analysis. Firstly, we ... -
Remote sensing patterns of net primary productivity in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) in relation to land use and land tenure
(2014-10-07)Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is an important indicator of ecosystem health and its estimation and understanding of factors determining its spatial and temporal variations is critical. Previous studies have mainly ... -
Habitat fragmentation, tree species diversity and land cover dynamics in a resettlement area in Chimanimani district of Zimbabwe : a spatio-temporal approach
(2014-10-07)Agricultural expansion into forests leads to habitat fragmentation and the creation of habitat patches that can only support a limited amount of biodiversity. Adopting theoretical frameworks which seek to understand ...