HPLC determination of atrazine in water and sediment samples after liquid-liquid and solid phase extraction: A comparative study.
Atrazine is a selective herbicide for control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in corn, sorghum and sugarcane. The extraction efficiency was studied using distilled water, river water and sediment samples. A two-step procedure of extraction and quantification was involved in assessing the recovery of the atrazine residues. Liquid-Liquid and Solid Phase were used for the extraction step. The recoveries for atrazine using the LLE (40ml solvent) were 93.3 2.7%, 94.7 11% and 71.4% for river water, distilled water and sediment sample respectively. The recoveries for atrazine using solid phase with pre-treatment of distilled, river water and sediment sample were 96.6 2.8 %, 91.7 3.6% and 113.9 3 % respectively. Analysis for atrazine residues was performed by HPLC-UV. The results showed that extraction efficiency is greater with Solid phase extraction than with liquid-liquid extraction.
Liquid-liquid extractionSolid Phase Extraction
Soxhlet Extraction
Gas Chromatography