Browsing IDS Research, Discussion and Working Papers by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
The political economy of hunger in Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985)The CODESRIA/UNESCO project proposal on the 'socio-economic analysis of the problem of hunger and food self-sufficiency' focuses on a largely neglected aspect of the food crisis in Africa: the nature and origin of food ... -
The informal sector in the labour reserve economies of Southern Africa with special reference to Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985)This paper is written as a contribution to the research project in Zimbabwe on the informal sector. We have therefore written it in the absence of any detailed research on the subject. Our main purpose has been to raise ... -
Labour legislation in Zimbabwe: Historical and contemporary perspectives
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985-04)The relationship between the legal and social structures which underpin social relations of production is potentially an area of fruitful inquiry. It is the intention of this paper to examine the basis of the Industrial ... -
The root causes of hunger in Zimbabwe: An overview of the nature, causes and effects of hunger and strategies to combat hunger
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985-09)In the midst of so-called African food and hunger "crisis", Zimbabwe has been widely acclaimed to be a unique "success" story in comparison to other African countries because of increasing aggregate output of agricultural ... -
The working conditions of female workers in the food processing industry in Zimbabwe (with special reference to Canneries)
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1986)This study constitutes the findings of a two-month long research into the working conditions of female workers in the food processing industry with particular reference to canneries in Zimbabwe. The objective of the study ... -
Foreign exchange auctioning as a measure of economic liberalisation for adjustment in Zambia: problems and prospects for African economies
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1987)Last week, on the 27th of February 1987, a certain local newspaper, having been informed of the topic for tonight's meeting , decided to place on its strategic page four, a long article in which a World Bank official - ... -
Imperialism, apartheid and the white minority in South Africa
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1988)The situation in South Africa continues to attract extensive world wide attention. Certainly, no day passes without the mass media throughout the world highlighting the events within South Africa. Most of these daily ... -
Vulnerable working households in Zimbabwe's segmented labour markets
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1988)The report that follows is a response to a request for a case study of vulnerable segments of the labour market in Zimbabwe from the SATEP team of the International Labour Office in Lusaka. We should, perhaps point out ... -
The main contradictions and obstacles confronting the Five-Year National Development Plan
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1989)The general aims and objectives of this paper have been set by the organisers of this seminar, that is, mainly "to make broadcasters understand the details, general goals and problems of the Five-Year National Development ... -
Vertical branch planning and horizontal territorial planning: A review of the approach, problems and the distribution of the productive forces
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1989)This paper is addressed to the question of an appropriate planning technology in Zimbabwe. Note is taken of some of the physical and social manifestations of "Capitalist Planning" in methods borrowed from Eurocentric ... -
Communication policies in the African context: Towards an operational and conceptual framework
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1989)This paper is written as a contribution to an understanding of the position and nature of communication policies in Africa. Very few African countries have articulated clear-cut and definite media policies and the lack ... -
Issues and prospects in coal utilisation in Zimbabwe's rural households
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1989-09)The supply of energy to rural households in Zimbabwe has become an urgent issue for Government particularly for the reason that the traditional form of rural household energy, wood, is increasingly becoming harder to ... -
The social sciences, policy research and development in Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1990)Research and research-related activities have an extremely important role to play in socio-economic development. Indeed, the level of research and the intellectual activities of a society mirror its level of development ... -
The Lancaster House agreement and the Post-Independence state in Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1990)Every colonisation and decolonisation process must of necessity be fraught with antagonistic contradictions which may differ in terms of their character and depth (the form) but not their essence. The class contradictions ... -
Use of emerging technologies in the commercial forestry industry: Case studies of Botswana and Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1990)There are significant commercial forestry activities in Botswana and in Zimbabwe. Operations in Botswana, unlike those in Zimbabwe, are limited to the felling and milling of indigenous timber. Zimbabwean operations include ... -
South Africa's destabilisation policy: The Zimbabwe experience
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1990)The Southern African region is today still a battleground. In two broad interrelated struggles, the mass of the population of the region are ranged against the South African ruling class and its apartheid regime. The ... -
Workers' participation, collective bargaining and tripartism in formulation of employments policies in Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1991)Brief Historical Background to the Development and Organisation of the Labour Movement in Tanganyika In Tanganyika, the penetration by German capital led to the dispossession of peasants of their land. The fertile upland ... -
Price control as a means of consumer protection in Zimbabwe: A review of the price formation system
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1991)This paper has been written as a response to a workshop on price control and consumer protection held at the Park Lane Hotel from 9th to 11th September, 1987. Several papers were presented at this workshop which was ... -
Zimbabwe's agrarian reform process: lessons or domino strategies?
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1991)It is becoming increasingly fashionable to proffer all kind of lessons for a post-apartheid South Africa, not the least since the independence of Namibia in 1990 and as the geo-political colour of Southern Africa shifts ... -
Issues of agricultural employment development in Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1991)Agriculture remains the backbone of the Zimbabwean economy, in spite of the atypical relatively developed manufacturing, mining and services sectors by African standards. Table 1.1. gives some salient features pertaining ...