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dc.contributor.authorMushiri, Tawanda
dc.contributor.authorTengende, Kelvin
dc.contributor.authorMbohwa, Charles
dc.contributor.authorGarikayi, Talon
dc.identifier.citationMushiri, T., Tengende, K., Mbohwa, C., & Garikayi, T. (2014). Finite element analysis of ROM silo subjected to 5000 tons monotonic loads at an anonymous mine in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the International Conference on challenges in IT, Engineering and Technology, Phuket, Thailand.en_US
dc.descriptionInternational Conference on challenges in IT, Engineering and Technology (ICCIET’2014) Conference Proceedingen_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper introduces finite element analysis of Run off Mine (ROM) silo subjected to dynamic loading. The proposed procedure is based on the use of theoretical equations to come up with pressure and forces1 exerted by Platinum Group Metals(PGMs) ore to the silo wall. Finite Element Analysis of the silo involves the use of CAD software (AutoCAD) for3D creation and CAE software (T-FLEX) for the simulationwork with an optimization routine to minimize the mass and also ensure structural stiffness and stability.In this research an efficient way to design and analysis of a silo in 3D T-FLEX (CAD) program was created the silo to stay within the constrains and so as to know the points of failure due dynamic loading.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInternational Institute of Engineersen_US
dc.publisherInternational Institute of Engineersen_US
dc.subjectReinforced concrete siloen_US
dc.subjectFinite element analysisen_US
dc.subjectT-FLEX softwareen_US
dc.titleFinite element analysis of ROM silo subjected to 5000 tons monotonic loads at an anonymous mine in Zimbabween_US

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