dc.description.abstract | The main aim of this project was to perform an investigation on the possible impact of
Triangle limited stillage on Cheche and Mtilikwe river water quality. This was done by
measuring physico- chemical parameters and heavy metals that affect water quality. Samples
along Cheche and Mtilikwe rivers were taken from five different positions which are roughly
five kilometres apart. Stillage samples were taken from the stillage ponds which stores stillage
as it comes directly from the mill before it is used for irrigation purposes. The Control
samples were taken from a point in Mtilikweriver at a position suspected to contain little or no
stillage at all. Physico-Chemical parameters PH, conductivity and TDS were measured using
a Hanna multi metre. COD was measured using a spectrophotometer at 620nm and BOD5 was
determined using a BOD probe. Nitrates, phosphates and sulphates were measured using
UV/VIS. Heavy metal content was determined using AAS after digesting the samples using
nitric acid- HCL method. The results produced shows that stillage is contributing significantly
to the amounts of heavy metals in Cheche and Mtilikwe river water.Stillage was found to
have an effect on the levels of heavy metal(Cd, Fe, Pb, Co, Zn and Ni) in Cheche and
Mtilikwe river waters as their mean concentrations at different positions were higher than
WHO and EMA guidelines. The concentration of Cr was found to be high than WHO at all
sampling points except stillage, this show there might an effluent which contributes to the
amount of Cr other than Stillage. Cu levels were low as compared to WHO parameters.
Results also shows that stillage has no effect on PH, temperature, sulphates and nitrates in
Cheche and Mtilikwe rivers and have a greater effect on the levels of Phosphates, COD,
BOD, TDS and Conductivity. The researcher concluded that stillage do affect the quality of
water in Cheche and Mtilikwe river. | en_US |