Browsing Legal Undergraduate Programmes Department by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
No pleasure without responsibility: Developments in the Law of Paternity of out of wedlock children
(University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Law, 1989) -
Longing for the wisdom of King Solomon : Custody and the best interests of the child concept
(University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Law, 2013-06)The best interests of the child test has been applied by courts in Zimbabwe and elsewhere to determine which parent should have custody of a child. Some states in the USA have come up with laws that ... -
Challenges faced by women in unregistered customary law unions
(Women and Law in Southern African Research and Education Trust (WLSA) Zimbabwe, 2014-10-31) -
A reflection on the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16] and harmful cultural practices in Zimbabwe
(The Zimbabwe Electronic Law Journal, 2016) -
Limitation of human rights in international law and the Zimbabwean Constitution
(The Zimbabwe Electronic Law Journal, 2016) -
Case note on Hosho v Hasisi HH-491-15
(The Zimbabwe Electronic Law Journal, 2017-07) -
Limitation of human rights in International Law and the Zimbabwean constitution.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)Human rights contained in international treaties, regional treaties and national constitutions are generally not absolute but are often qualified and subject to reasonable restrictions.Currie and de Waal argues that ... -
Child prostitution in Zimbabwe and the tragedy of the ‘victim by choice’ tag: another view.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)Child prostitution is one of the most sinister and horrific acts that children may endure. It presents serious violations of human and child rights on children who are among the most vulnerable and impressionable in society.2 ... -
A ray of hope for the outlawing of corporal punishment in Zimbabwe: a review of recent developments.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)This paper explores recent developments regarding the issue of corporal punishment with a view to show the ray of hope that corporal punishment will indeed be a thing of the past soon, at least in terms of the law. The ... -
An update on compliance by Zimbabwe with decisions and judgments of international human rights judicial and quasi-judicial bodies.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)The human rights discourse continues to follow a path of increasing emphasis on ensuring domestic implementation of human rights standards by state parties to various human rights instruments. It appears there is a clear ... -
Public service broadcasting and the risk of state capture: the case of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)Broadcasting in Zimbabwe has been a contested terrain since the establishment of the Rhodesia Broadcasting Corporation,(RBC). The Rhodesian Government took advantage of the RBC to spread out its propaganda throughout the ... -
The role of the criminal law in the protection of women against gender-based violence.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)The preamble affirms that “violence against women constitutes a violation of the rights and fundamental freedoms of women and impairs or nullifies their enjoyment of those rights and freedoms” and it expresses concerned ... -
Exploring the concepts of minority and minority language in International Human Rights Law.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018)International human rights law does not currently define a minority. For instance, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights protects minority rights in article 27 without defining the term minority. The ... -
An overview of the African human rights system
(Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 2019) -
An interrogation of the law relating to cohabitation in Zimbabwe and the need for law reform.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019)This article specifically interrogates the extent to which the continued lack of recognition of cohabitation relationships under Zimbabwean law has resulted in disproportionate gendered impacts on women involved in such ... -
Reflecting on the applicability of freedom, sanctity and privity of Contract in Zimbabwean Law Of Contract
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019)This paper examines the applicability of the long established contractual doctrines of freedom of contract, sanctity of contract and privity of contract in modern day Zimbabwean law of contract. It argues that even ... -
Sentencing of sexual offenders
(2019)This paper examines the complex issue of sentencing of sexual offenders against the backdrop of the recent calls for mandatory minimum sentences in cases of sexual crimes. Some countries have introduced mandatory minimum ... -
Per Stirpes Principle versus the Per Capita Principle in Intestate Succession: A brief overview.
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019)The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2 defines succession in the context of this topic to mean the act of taking over an official position or title. According to Kerry R., succession is concerned with the transfer or ... -
Book Reviews: "The Struggle Over State Power in Zimbabwe Law And Politics Since 1950"
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019)This paper examines the rationality and legality of the rule of locus standi introduced by the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe to the effect that no litigant is allowed to act in more than one capacity of locus standi ...