Browsing Agricultural Economics Staff Publications by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Evaluation of Tillage Practices for Maize (Zea mays) Grown on Different Land-Use Systems in Eastern Zambia
(Kluwer Academic Publishers., 2004-01-22)Improved fallows of Sesbania sesban (Sesbania) have been known to improve soil physical and chemical properties and increase crop yield compared to traditional fallows. However, the effects of soil tillage practices after ... -
The effect of managing improved fallows of Mucuna pruriens on maize production and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in sub-humid Zimbabwe
(2004-01-22)Mucuna pruriens has emerged as a successful forage or green manure legume for use in the smallholder animallivestock systems of Zimbabwe. The efficiency of N recovery from mucuna residues in subsequent maize crops can ... -
Agroforestry: Fertilizer Trees.
(Elsevier, 2014) -
Seasonal climate prediction and adaptation using indigenous knowledge systems in agriculture systems in Southern Africa: A review
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2015-04-15)Erratic rainfall and increasing temperature is rapidly emerging as one of the most serious global problems affecting many sectors in the world. It is considered to be one of the most serious threats to sustainable development ... -
Smallholder farmer perceptions on climate change and variability: a predisposition for their aubsequent adaptation strategies
(2015-06-08)Smallholder farmers are facing several climate-related challenges. Projected changes in climate are expected to aggravate the existing challenges. This study was conducted in Chiredzi district, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. The ... -
Impact of conservation agriculture on weed dynamics and maize grain yield in eastern Zambia
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2015-10-20)Improved fallows of Sesbania sesban (Sesbania) have been known to improve soil physical and chemical properties and increase crop yield compared to traditional fallows. However, the effects of soil tillage practices after ... -
Evaluation of Tillage Practices for Maize (Zea mays) Grown on Different Land-Use Systems in Eastern Zambia
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2015-10-27)Improved fallows of Sesbania sesban (Sesbania) have been known to improve soil physical and chemical properties and increase crop yield compared to traditional fallows. However, the effects of soil tillage practices after ... -
Africa's intangible heritage and land: emerging perspectives
(University of Zimbabwe Publications, 2016) -
Nutrient availability following planted tree fallows and benefits to subsequent maize crops
(IJAIR, 2016)The effect of a two-year Sesbania and Tephrosia fallow on soil properties and growth of subsequent maize was examined in Zambia. The study was conducted on 18 sites laid in a randomized complete block design with farmers ... -
Nutrient Dynamics in Wetland Organic Vegetable Production Systems in Eastern Zambia
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2016-01-19)The aim of this study was to determine effects of organic inputs on vegetable crops and on a subsequent maize crop grown in wetlands. The following treatments were applied to cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and onion (Allium ... -
Tepary bean: a climate smart crop for food and nutritional security
(2016-04-08)The variability of climate demands the use of a variety of agronomic strategies and crop choices. Traditional drought tolerant crops such as sorghum are often chosen when drought seasons are anticipated. However, there are ... -
Soil nitrogen and physical properties and maize yields after mixed planted fallows of tree and herbaceous legumes
(Springer International, 2016-05)An experiment was conducted at Msekera Research Station from 1998 to 2002 to determine effect of planted fallows of tree species mixed with herbaceous legumes and those of single species fallows on biomass production, ... -
The impact of dollarisation in Zimbabwe
(University of Zimbabwe Publicatoins, 2017) -
Influence of smallholder farmers’ perceptions on adaptation strategies to climate change and policy implications in Zimbabwe
(De Gruyter Open., 2017-02-01)Smallholder agricultural production is largely affected by climate change and variability. Despite the negative effects brought by climate variability, smallholder farmers are still able to derive livelihoods. ... -
Building climate change resilience through adaptation in smallholder farming systems in semi-arid Zimbabwe
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017-03-20)Households with increased access to climate information through extension services were likely to have better adaptation abilities. It was also shown that younger farmers were likely to adapt to climate change given their ... -
Climate Scenarios in Relation to Agricultural Patterns of Major Crops in Southern Africa
(Academic Press, Elsevier, 2017-06-12) -
Integration of indigenous and scientific knowledge in climate adaptation in KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa
(De Gruyter Open., 2017-07-20)Indigenous knowledge has for generations assisted rural subsistence farming communities adapt to climate change and make daily decisions regarding agriculture. This study was conducted in the rural community of Swayimane, ... -
Contextual vulnerability of rainfed crop-based farming communities in semi-arid Zimbabwe: A case of Chiredzi District
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017-09-18)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess smallholder farmers’ vulnerability to climate change and variability based on the socioeconomic and biophysical characteristics of Chiredzi District, a region that ... -
Velvet Bean and Cowpea Residual Effects on Maize Crop in Smallholder Farming Areas of Zimbabwe
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2017-10-31)On-farm research was conducted in Dendenyore Communal Land and Zana Resettlement areas of Hwedza District, Zimbabwe from 1999 to 2001.The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of velvet bean and cowpea on ... -
Tracking the release of soil nitrate and labile in a legume - maize rotation in Zimbabwe
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2017-11-28)This study compared the effect of a weedy fallow (5.2 t/ha biomass), a velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) cut for hay (7.2 t/ha biomass) and a green-manured M. pruriens (6.49 t/ha biomass) on the dynamics of soil N and C in a ...