Browsing Institutes and Centres by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 158
Shona Grammatical Constructions Volume II
(Mercury Press, 1984) -
Rethinking Parliament's role in Zimbabwean society
(ZIDS, 1985) -
The political economy of hunger in Zimbabwe
(ZIDS, 1985) -
The political economy of hunger in Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985)The CODESRIA/UNESCO project proposal on the 'socio-economic analysis of the problem of hunger and food self-sufficiency' focuses on a largely neglected aspect of the food crisis in Africa: the nature and origin of food ... -
The informal sector in the labour reserve economies of Southern Africa with special reference to Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985)This paper is written as a contribution to the research project in Zimbabwe on the informal sector. We have therefore written it in the absence of any detailed research on the subject. Our main purpose has been to raise ... -
Shona Grammatical Constructions: Volume 1
(Mercury Press, 1985) -
Labour legislation in Zimbabwe: Historical and contemporary perspectives
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985-04)The relationship between the legal and social structures which underpin social relations of production is potentially an area of fruitful inquiry. It is the intention of this paper to examine the basis of the Industrial ... -
Labour legislation in Zimbabwe: historical and contemporary perspectives
(ZIDS, 1985-05) -
The socio-economic status and needs of ex-combatants: The case of Masvingo province
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985-09)This document attempts to investigate and assess the developmental progress and requirements of one specific social group of Zimbabwe - "ex-combatants". It is hoped that this effort among others will contribute to developments ... -
The root causes of hunger in Zimbabwe: An overview of the nature, causes and effects of hunger and strategies to combat hunger
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1985-09)In the midst of so-called African food and hunger "crisis", Zimbabwe has been widely acclaimed to be a unique "success" story in comparison to other African countries because of increasing aggregate output of agricultural ... -
The working conditions of female workers in the food processing industry in Zimbabwe (with special reference to Canneries)
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1986)This study constitutes the findings of a two-month long research into the working conditions of female workers in the food processing industry with particular reference to canneries in Zimbabwe. The objective of the study ... -
An evaluation of the structures, goals and planning procedures and practices of the organisation of collective co-operatives in Zimbabwe
(ZIDS-Publications office, 1986-05)Although the development of Collective Co-operatives began in the 19601 s, especially around Cold Comfort Farm, it is only since Independence that a recognizable movement for the development of collective co-operatives emerged. ... -
An evaluation of the structures goals and planning procedures and practices of the organisation of collective co-operatives in Zimbabwe
(Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, 1986-05)Although the development of Collective Co-operatives began in the 19601 s, especially around Cold Comfort Farm, it is only since Independence that a recognizable movement for the development of collective co-operatives ...