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Title: Spanning paths in graphs
Authors: Mafuta, Phillip
Mukwembi, Simon
Munyira, Sheunesu
Keywords: leaf number
minimum degree
traceable graphs
Issue Date: 29-Aug-2018
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Mafuta, P., Mukwembi, S., & Munyira, S. (2019). Spanning paths in graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 255, 278-282.
Abstract: The Conjecture, Graffiti.pc 190, of the computer program Graffiti.pc, instructed by DeLavi˜na, state that every simple connected graph G with minimum degree δ and leaf number L(G) such that δ ≥ 1 2 (L(G) + 1), is traceable. Here, we prove a sufficient condition for a graph to be traceable based on minimum degree and leaf number, by settling completely, the Conjecture Graffiti. pc 190. We construct infinite graphs to show that our results are best in a sense. All graphs considered are simple. That is, they neither have loops nor multiple edges.
ISSN: 0166218X
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics Staff Publications

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