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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1971Theoretical aspects of local government and community development in the African rural areas of RhodesiaPassmore, Gloria; Passmore, Gloria C.
1971Survey of Highfield African townshipStoporth, P
1974Educational co-operation in the commonwealth: An historical studyAtkinson, Norman
1972Agricultural research and development in Southern Rhodesia under the rule of the British South Africa Company,1890-1923Weinmann, H.
1971The development of European agriculture in Rhodesia 1945-1965Dunlop, H
1963Community development-
1974Assessment of English proficiency in the African primary schoolHofman, John E.
1971Classification scheme for law books in the University of Rhodesia law libraryBrink, S. A.
1966Programmed learning in central African contextHawkridge, D.G.
1975Edmund Burke and the first ten years of the 'Annual register',1758-1767McLoughlin, T.O.
1974Commercial growth and consumer behaviour in suburban Salisbury, RhodesiaSmout, M. A. H
1962The less successfull secondary school child-
1965Education and training in industry in RhodesiaRoberts, H. W
1964The requirements and supplies of high level manpower in Northern Rhodesia-
1968A guide to writing scientific papersOliver, John
1965Selection for secondary education in Southern RhodesiaIrvine, S. H
1973Drinking in a Rhodesia African TownshipMay, Joan
1973The Inyanga area: An essay in regional biogeographyTomlinson, R. W
1967The development of African abilitiesBiesheuvel, Simon
1972Two aspects of social change Highfield African township SalisburyStopforth, P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41