Occasional Papers : [41] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-07U.Z. @ 60 The Faculty of Education and Schemes of AssociationMoyana, Rosemary
1969Gambling aspects of medicineCastle, Win
1964The labour economy of the reservesJohnson, R. W. M.
1971An introduction to dairying in RhodesiaOliver, John
1960-09The secondary school and the needs of industryFletcher, B. A.
1973Pre-school opportunity and sex differences as factors affecting progressOrbell, S. F. W.; Freer, D. F.; Hendrikz, E.
1964The requirements and supply of high level manpower in Northern Rhodesia 1961-1970-
1993-10Political ecologies of scale and the multi-tiered co-management of Zimbabwean wildlife resources under CampfireHasler, Richard
1993-08-12Resource sharing schemes for state owned land in Zimbabwe: A discussion of conceptual issues needing consideration in the development and planning of co-management regimesMatzke, Gordon; Mazambani, David
1993-07A political economy model of common property regimes and the case of grazing management in ZimbabweCousins, Ben
1994-09A gender sensitive analysis of a community based wildlife utilisation initiative in Zimbabwe's Zambezi ValleyNabane, Nontokozo
1993-07Community, class and grazing management in Zimbabwe's communal landsCousins, Ben
1992-07Poverty and tree resources in Mhondoro district: A research noteFortmann, Louise; Nabane, Nontokozo
1991Wetlands conservation under common property management regimes in ZimbabweMurombedzi, James C.
1992-07The fruits and their labours: gender, property and trees in Mhondoro DistrictFortmann, Louise; Nabane, Nontokozo
1971Drinking patterns in Rhodesia Highfield African townshipMay, Joan; Reader, D. H.
1961Animal feeds of The FederationTopps, John. H
1962Ex Africa: A sequel to the conference on the teaching of Latin held at the University College , Salisbury August 1962-
1971Les “Amours” de ronsard (Pour Cassandra et Helene) Etude ComparativeWakerley, I. C.
1964The requirements and supplies of high level manpower in Southern Rhodesia: 1961-1970-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41