Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016-07 | U.Z. @ 60 The Faculty of Education and Schemes of Association | Moyana, Rosemary |
1969 | Gambling aspects of medicine | Castle, Win |
1964 | The labour economy of the reserves | Johnson, R. W. M. |
1971 | An introduction to dairying in Rhodesia | Oliver, John |
1960-09 | The secondary school and the needs of industry | Fletcher, B. A. |
1973 | Pre-school opportunity and sex differences as factors affecting progress | Orbell, S. F. W.; Freer, D. F.; Hendrikz, E. |
1964 | The requirements and supply of high level manpower in Northern Rhodesia 1961-1970 | - |
1993-10 | Political ecologies of scale and the multi-tiered co-management of Zimbabwean wildlife resources under Campfire | Hasler, Richard |
1993-08-12 | Resource sharing schemes for state owned land in Zimbabwe: A discussion of conceptual issues needing consideration in the development and planning of co-management regimes | Matzke, Gordon; Mazambani, David |
1993-07 | A political economy model of common property regimes and the case of grazing management in Zimbabwe | Cousins, Ben |
1994-09 | A gender sensitive analysis of a community based wildlife utilisation initiative in Zimbabwe's Zambezi Valley | Nabane, Nontokozo |
1993-07 | Community, class and grazing management in Zimbabwe's communal lands | Cousins, Ben |
1992-07 | Poverty and tree resources in Mhondoro district: A research note | Fortmann, Louise; Nabane, Nontokozo |
1991 | Wetlands conservation under common property management regimes in Zimbabwe | Murombedzi, James C. |
1992-07 | The fruits and their labours: gender, property and trees in Mhondoro District | Fortmann, Louise; Nabane, Nontokozo |
1971 | Drinking patterns in Rhodesia Highfield African township | May, Joan; Reader, D. H. |
1961 | Animal feeds of The Federation | Topps, John. H |
1962 | Ex Africa: A sequel to the conference on the teaching of Latin held at the University College , Salisbury August 1962 | - |
1971 | Les “Amours” de ronsard (Pour Cassandra et Helene) Etude Comparative | Wakerley, I. C. |
1964 | The requirements and supplies of high level manpower in Southern Rhodesia: 1961-1970 | - |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41