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Title: Epidemiological study of drug use in urban and rural secondary schools in Zimbabwe
Keywords: Children and Youth
Issue Date: Aug-1984
Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.)
Abstract: In this survey a total of2 783 secondary school students of both sexes, mean age 15,5 years, from randomly selected schools in both rural and urban areas of Zimbabwe were studied using a self report questionnaire. The results strongly indicated that drug use was quite prevalent among the students. The main drugs involved, in descending order, were: alcohol, tobacco, inhalants (solvents), amphetamines and cannabis. Others included mandrax, tranquilisers, sedatives and the hallucinogen mudzepete. No students reported use of heroin, cocaine, LSD or opium. Drug use increased with age and involved both sexes, the problem being more acute in the urban schools. A differential use pattern is revealed, implying valuable information for targeted prevention efforts.
Other Identifiers: Acuda, S.W. and Eide, A.H. (1984) Epidemiological study of drug use in urban and rural secondary schools in Zimbabwe. The Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), vol. 40, no. 8, (pp. 207-212). UZ, Avondale, Harare: Faculty of Medicine (UZ).
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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