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Title: Security of Employment in the Public Service in Botswana: A Synopsis
Keywords: Rights
Work and Labour
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
Abstract: The State has often been looked upon by individuals, private sector employers and employees alike as a model employer. The Employment Act governs employment relationships in Botswana yet the State is excluded from the purview of the Act. The State happens to be, and is likely to continue being the biggest single employer in the country. The problems that the Employment Act was geared to address were regarded as matters that could only arise between private sector employee and employer. The trend in Africa at present is that the public service is being trimmed down especially in those countries where the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are involved, through programmes of structural adjustment. Even though Botswana is not undergoing such a process of structural adjustment, it is slowly but carefully moving in that direction though not at the behest of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. There is a need to cut down on spending. Consequently, it is quite important to critically consider the question of security of employment in the public service. Perhaps the whole idea of trimming down the public service is to promote productivity and efficiency in the workplace and in the process get rid of those public servants who are found wanting in this respect. This research seeks to consider the security offered by the State as the model employer in this country.
Other Identifiers: Solo, K. (1996) Security of Employment in the Public Service in Botswana: A Synopsis. Zimbabwe Law Review, vol. 13, (pp. 45-52). UZ, Mt. Pleasant, Harare : Faculty of Law (UZ)
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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